Take a seat bloggers (Or at least get comfortable as I’m sure you’re already sitting!) this is going to be an epic wrap up of 2009 + a story I promised Scoman.
Alright, around this time of year people make a resolution to eat less, exercise more, drink less alcohol, drink more water etc – otherwise known as new years resolutions. Which generally last a week sometimes a month, and then people just go ‘fuck it it’s all too hard’ and go back to eating whatever they want, sitting on the couch, and for some they will utter the words ‘I’m never drinking again’ most Saturday mornings!
At the beginning of 2009 I decided that I’d make a New Years resolution for 2009, and it was to read more books. As a writer I’ve not read a great deal. I’m a very visual person, and I enjoy being entertained by my eyes. However in the world of books your eyes allow you to create the worlds in your head. Which is something that I miss as I read a lot as a child, and I’ve re-gained a healthy new respect for reading and books in general (Read - you best buy my book should I ever get one published!!!)
So the following is a list of books I’ve read in 2009. You can skip it if you want – I won’t be offended. It also has a little explanation as to why I read it.
Twilight (Needed to see what the hype was about)
New Moon (Needed to find out what happened next)
Eclipse (See New Moon)
Breaking Dawn (Not yet finished got bored about 300 pages from the end)
The Road (Recommended to me by a Uni classmate)
The Reader (Recommended by a friend)
Let the right one in (Got a little hooked on the vampire thing)
Hater (Seen an interview with David Moody in a magazine, he seemed interesting as did his book, bought it loved it, can’t wait for the next instalment – have hunted high and low on the net to find his other earlier works)
The Tempest (Compulsory book for Uni)
Jane Eyre (Compulsory book for Uni)
Wide Sargasso Sea (Compulsory book for Uni)
Flaubert’s Parrot (Compulsory book for Uni – Skimmed through it)
Mrs Dalloway (Compulsory book for Uni)
The Hours (Compulsory book for Uni)
White Teeth (Compulsory book for Uni)
Fig Tree (Compulsory book for Uni)
Beloved (Compulsory book for Uni)
I had originally planned to try and read a book every two months. Thus six books a year. However with the books for Uni being compulsory to read having to write papers on them in relation to their postcolonial themes! I’ve expanded my reading list! The others I read simply because I wanted to read something I chose (If that makes sense) However all this reading has increased my ability to read quicker. Which is something I needed to do, as I’m probably one of the slowest readers on the planet!
Uni in general for me was good this year. However the shorter semesters they introduced to the Uni I attend didn’t help. Usually 15 week semesters got cut to 12 (Still paid for 15!) thus pushing more information into a smaller slot, increased work loads, less face to face teaching time (Which is bullshit) Overall though. I did the best work I’ve ever done in Semester Two this year – getting Two Distinctions and one High Distinction! Which I was super SUPER happy about.
Life in general is the same. I lost my grandfather in June. He was in end stages of Parkinson’s which left him unable to walk, talk or feed himself. (Or do anything for himself in fact) I NEVER want to get to that stage. If they told me tomorrow I’d die of a slow degenerative disease by the time I turned 40. I’d go out do all the things I wanted to do, and then come home say my goodbyes and check out. The day I can’t wipe my own arse (With the exception of short term impairment such as two broken arms!) is the day I NEVER want to have to get too!
I’m a avid supporter of Euthanasia. We do after all treat our animals in a way that should they be terminally ill or injured so severely that putting them down is a better alterative. Then I seriously believe as human beings we should be allowed the same choices. We are all going to die that is a given, how long each of us may live varies. However when you’ve watched enough friends and family die of terminal diseases such as Cancer, Parkinson and Liver failure. You’d not put your pet through that, so why should we put our family members through it?
On a much nicer topic. The internet…. I can remember a time when computers weren’t in every house, and the internet wasn’t as it is today. However it’s through the aforementioned technologies that I’m writing in this blog right now, and you’re reading it. It’s through the technology such as Twitter that I’ve met an expanse of people I’d never have met without the internet. Whilst the majority of these people are ‘on-line friends’ it doesn’t mean I have any less time or respect for them compared to the friends I get to see in real life. In fact some online friends are better friends to me than those you get to touch and feel. Actually as I write this they have just advertised on the news how technology has been the driving force of the 00’s which is the story coming up after the break. I’ll be interested to see what that says.
**Update** They just had this story on, and spoke about the internet, use of technology such as mobile phones and how they have expanded to hold music, have a camera in them, that we no longer ‘print’ photo’s the way we did ten years ago with film development and that technology is improving so fast, we’re struggling to keep up! I think that particular line will always be used when they talk about the improvements to anything from technology in a mobile phone through to a machine that can offer a heart to pump while they do by-pass surgery. As the world develops, its expected we will expand on all fronts from technology through to the use of natural resources, and needing to put in an infostructure for alternate fuels because one day I maybe writing a blog that says… ‘I remember a time when you filled your car up with petrol!’ and some one from a future generation will say – “What you mean you didn’t plug them in?”
Anyway for 2009 I’ve had a quiet yet very productive year. I started and have almost completed my first Novel which started out as part of the Nanowrimo novel competition, and is now sitting on about 57,000 words with Scoman being my proof-reader / critic / feedback wing man I’ll be able to edit out mistakes, FINISH the story, and get my one free copy published as part of finishing Nano for 2009. Will I do it again next year? Hell yes I will. In fact I’m in the planning stages now for what I’ll write about! (Now that’s planning ahead!)
One thing that was noticeably absent from 2009 was my best friend Mr X (See Not Happy Jan and Edited Entry) for a catch up on who is Mr X . As followers of my blog and those who follow me on Twitter (Gratuitous plug there) will know I was to be away for x-mas and new years but as I explained in my previous post – plans change. Now I did know what Mr X was going to be in the same place as me over the new year period (We went to high school together, our parents live in the same town) so I was well aware that I could potentially run into him at say the video store. However I’d left the ball in his court since the ‘incident’ as he was clearly not comfortable about what had happened. I was pleasantly surprised today when my father answered the door and I heard a voice I recognised well, confirmed more so when he asked if I was here. My father let him in, and we chatted in the kitchen about everything and nothing. But the moment I knew everything was ok between us again was he walked straight up to me and hugged me, those hugs you get from loved ones who are genuinely happy to see you. It was like everything had been wiped clean, and we were literally ready to start over. He’s coming back this evening to hang out and just generally catch up, which will be great. I’ve missed him more than I realised I had until today, and to have him back in my life once again is a very welcomed last day of the year gift.
Speaking of reminiscing…. The follow story is for Scoman. We talked on twitter about ‘trials’ and he thought I meant drug trials, which he was happy to be signed up for, which reminded me of a story that took place re my brother and him being in med school.
This is the digest version:
My brother was in med school and the girl he was seeing at the time (She was a bitch!) literally lived around the corner from me in Brisbane – so at times (and I use that term very lightly) when he’d come over to see her, and she was either a) not ready or b) not home yet, he’d come around the corner to visit me. (Our relationship has since changed for the better since those days) Anyway… He was at the point in his studies re gynaecology and they needed ‘recruits’ they were paying $50 a smear for women to be used as ‘practice runs’. Now my brother knew I worked two jobs and studied, and told me about it as he thought it was a quick way of making some money. His words were ‘It’s $50 a throw, each time they touch you with the speculum that’s $50!’
As tempting as it was, there was NO WAY IN HELL I was letting a group of med students just like my brother ‘shove’ that bloody metal duck bill up me even if it was $50 a go! (It sounds like an amusement ride as I re-tell it in words!) Long story short a friend of mine was over at my place at the time my brother dropped in to offer me this ‘work’ and well she’s an adventurous girl! So she agreed. My brother gave her the details of who she had to contact and off she went into Pap smear probing cash reward heaven! (I might add this was a legit operation through the hospital, and a tax file number was needed and TAX was required to be paid on this ‘educational training!’) So first day my friend we’ll call her Ms W comes over to my place smiles all around she’d made herself about $300 (after tax) for about 2 hours work, said there’s nothing to it etc etc. Next week same story, she’s made about the same amount of $$ and was heading back for more. Three days later she arrives at my house sitting down ‘very gently’ I asked her how much she made, “Not enough!” was her grunted answer. When I enquired more it seemed that part of the spectrum had ‘caught / pinched’ her lip (We’re not talking the ones on our mouths here people!) and got stuck! The intern couldn’t ‘release’ it and it was ‘ripped off’ she got two stiches and was thanked for her time! Whilst I was cringing at the thought I couldn’t help but laugh… ‘easy money’ turned into danger money’, and I’m quietly confident she’d never really been the same about pap smears since!
How does this all hook back to Scoman and the drug trials…. Sometimes when it comes to science and health, its better to let someone else be the guinea pig, than risk the consequences that ‘easy money’ can get you for being a lab rat.
With that story out of the way…. I wish you all a very happy new year. I shall blog again next year, which is about six and a half hours away. Until then
That’s all I’ve got.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Slight change of plan - 10 hours later - I'm back
Hello blog readers. I hope you had a nice Christmas should you celebrate it. If not I hope you got an awesome bargain at the boxing day sales should you have had access to a major shopping center! (Though on-line store were offering boxing day sales!)
I'm BACK!!!!!! (Did you miss me?) Yes 10 hours later I'm back at my parents place. Long story short.... My mum's not been feeling well the past few days so we made the decision to pack up early and head back from the back of beyond. We did manage however to leave some much needed rain out at my brothers. As our family has a curse of every time we go on holiday (Any one of us me - my brother- my parents) it rains! However my brother living in a very dusty far west QLD needed the rain, so I didn't mind. I still went swimming in the rain with almost four year old nephew which was RAD!!
Anyway.. I'll be staying on at my mum's for a few days while she gets over this virus thing she has that is making her quite unwell. She slept most of the trip home and is now tucked up in bed. It's a 'need looking after' type of nasty. So I'll take one for the team, as I know she'd come to my place and hold the spew bowl for me if I needed her too!
Anyway. I'm off to find something that resembles food. Though I'm thinking the one pizza store in this town will be getting a visit from me in about 20 mins.
Hope everyone is having a safe yet awesome holiday. Hello to my new followers. I hope you enjoy the ride.
That's all I've got.
I'm BACK!!!!!! (Did you miss me?) Yes 10 hours later I'm back at my parents place. Long story short.... My mum's not been feeling well the past few days so we made the decision to pack up early and head back from the back of beyond. We did manage however to leave some much needed rain out at my brothers. As our family has a curse of every time we go on holiday (Any one of us me - my brother- my parents) it rains! However my brother living in a very dusty far west QLD needed the rain, so I didn't mind. I still went swimming in the rain with almost four year old nephew which was RAD!!
Anyway.. I'll be staying on at my mum's for a few days while she gets over this virus thing she has that is making her quite unwell. She slept most of the trip home and is now tucked up in bed. It's a 'need looking after' type of nasty. So I'll take one for the team, as I know she'd come to my place and hold the spew bowl for me if I needed her too!
Anyway. I'm off to find something that resembles food. Though I'm thinking the one pizza store in this town will be getting a visit from me in about 20 mins.
Hope everyone is having a safe yet awesome holiday. Hello to my new followers. I hope you enjoy the ride.
That's all I've got.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Have a safe and Happy Christmas
I'm writing this as I'm literally heading out the door to my parents. I'm staying there tonight so I can be up and on the road at 6am for the 10hr drive to my brothers place. I'm looking forward to seeing my nephews and my brother and his wife. That is if I manage to survive the drive in the same car as my Father! It will literally be 'watch this space' should I never write another blog entry you know I didn't make it!!!
So this is a short and sweet blog. I just want to say thanks to my followers those who've been with me a while and those who are new - I enjoy your comments and knowing that you read what I'm writing is lovely.
So I'll wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year - if you don't do Christmas then enjoy the cheap sales on the 26th!
Take care and stay safe. I'll blog again in 2010 so until then....
That's all I've got :)
P.S This is written on the fly - so I'll apologise in advance for any typos :)
So this is a short and sweet blog. I just want to say thanks to my followers those who've been with me a while and those who are new - I enjoy your comments and knowing that you read what I'm writing is lovely.
So I'll wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year - if you don't do Christmas then enjoy the cheap sales on the 26th!
Take care and stay safe. I'll blog again in 2010 so until then....
That's all I've got :)
P.S This is written on the fly - so I'll apologise in advance for any typos :)
Monday, December 21, 2009
My Mum
I'm hoping like hell this blog actually works as I've had trouble with the internet this afternoon!
Alright here goes. It's been 12 months since my mum got the official 'all clear' regarding her Breast Cancer which she fought this time 12 months ago. The 21st of Decemeber 2008 was an early x-mas present when she was told all looked 'good' as in everything was ok, and she'd be alright.
Twelve months on, she got the all clear again yesterday from the oncologist which is just AWESOME :) I'm happy for her and I'm happy for me. As I'm not ready to loose my mum just yet.
So as a token of how much I love my mum. I've got her something that isn't really a x-mas present it's more a I'm glad I've got you and you're here gift. It's just something little. What I wrote (Or I'm planning to write) on the card is the part I want to run past you my readers. This is what I have penned out only ten minutes ago to hand write into a card for her to give her when I see her tomorrow.
Dear Mum,
As an inspiring writer I am at times at a loss for the right words to explain and express just how important you are to me and how much I love you simply for being you (And my mum)
You're been supportive, caring, and understanding. You've listened, offered advice, and been there for me regardless of the situation.
So I want to take this moment in time, which as you read these words is now a part of history and the past to let you know that I love you and life just wouldn't be the same without you in it. You make me laugh, smile and most of all feel loved.
I love you mum, more than these words on this card can express. That love will never falter. It will simple increase over the years and as the decades pass us by will grow.
Love Sal
I'm not overly good at writing this sort of thing (Expressing feelings etc) I mean this is a note to my mum not my lover. So I don't want to sound like I'm writing a love letter for someone I'm sleeping with!
SO readers what do you think? Go with what I wrote first go (That is how it came out of my brain, onto the page via the pen, and has been re-typed word for word on here so you can read it) Or should I edit it?
Let me know what you think
That's all I've got for now :)
Alright here goes. It's been 12 months since my mum got the official 'all clear' regarding her Breast Cancer which she fought this time 12 months ago. The 21st of Decemeber 2008 was an early x-mas present when she was told all looked 'good' as in everything was ok, and she'd be alright.
Twelve months on, she got the all clear again yesterday from the oncologist which is just AWESOME :) I'm happy for her and I'm happy for me. As I'm not ready to loose my mum just yet.
So as a token of how much I love my mum. I've got her something that isn't really a x-mas present it's more a I'm glad I've got you and you're here gift. It's just something little. What I wrote (Or I'm planning to write) on the card is the part I want to run past you my readers. This is what I have penned out only ten minutes ago to hand write into a card for her to give her when I see her tomorrow.
Dear Mum,
As an inspiring writer I am at times at a loss for the right words to explain and express just how important you are to me and how much I love you simply for being you (And my mum)
You're been supportive, caring, and understanding. You've listened, offered advice, and been there for me regardless of the situation.
So I want to take this moment in time, which as you read these words is now a part of history and the past to let you know that I love you and life just wouldn't be the same without you in it. You make me laugh, smile and most of all feel loved.
I love you mum, more than these words on this card can express. That love will never falter. It will simple increase over the years and as the decades pass us by will grow.
Love Sal
I'm not overly good at writing this sort of thing (Expressing feelings etc) I mean this is a note to my mum not my lover. So I don't want to sound like I'm writing a love letter for someone I'm sleeping with!
SO readers what do you think? Go with what I wrote first go (That is how it came out of my brain, onto the page via the pen, and has been re-typed word for word on here so you can read it) Or should I edit it?
Let me know what you think
That's all I've got for now :)
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Can happiness come in a can?
The new coke cans for summer have new logos on them - a mixture of four different themes one is a surfboard, the other some cricket stumps, some other design I can't remember and one with the word 'Happiness' written on the side. Can happiness come in a can? I opened my can of happy coke up and took a sip. Sure it made me feel refreshed, it quenched my thirst. But did it make me happy? I don't really know to be honest. I'm not sure I was sad before I consumed some of the beverage. Perhaps they should change the slogan from Happiness, to Feel Refreshed I'm also wondering how many unhappy people have sent their empty can of 'happiness' coke back to the factory complaining there wasn't enough happiness in the can for them (Come on you have to admit there would be ONE person out there who would do there!)
The countdown is on for me to head out to my brothers for x-mas and new years which means two weeks without my dog, and without any access to the internet - so two weeks without a blog update. Two weeks of NO SPOILERS for the final David Tennant Doctor who. Two weeks of remembering a time when there was no internet and people spoke on the phone or wrote letters! Due to my two week Blog absence I'm going to 'try' and put in an entry a day until I leave at 6am on Wednesday morning.
I've purchased, wrapped, labelled and packed the gifts that I need to take out into a box that will hopefully fit into my parents car. We decided it was cheaper to go in one car than to take two, (Better for the environment also!) As I'm no taking my dog with me this time (He's getting too old for 10hr drives) He's staying at my parents place with my Aunt who will be house sitting for them for the two weeks while they are away (Me included of course). My Aunt is a dog person (i.e she has a dog, and is a good dog owner so I know my dog will be in excellent hands) I'm going to miss him though as I'm very attached to to my dog. I shudder when I think what I'll do when his time is up. (Which I hope isn't for a while yet)
With the countdown on to Christmas those readers of this blog who do x-mas I hope it's running as smoothly as it can for you. For those who don't, enjoy the sales on the 26th!
That's all I've got.
The countdown is on for me to head out to my brothers for x-mas and new years which means two weeks without my dog, and without any access to the internet - so two weeks without a blog update. Two weeks of NO SPOILERS for the final David Tennant Doctor who. Two weeks of remembering a time when there was no internet and people spoke on the phone or wrote letters! Due to my two week Blog absence I'm going to 'try' and put in an entry a day until I leave at 6am on Wednesday morning.
I've purchased, wrapped, labelled and packed the gifts that I need to take out into a box that will hopefully fit into my parents car. We decided it was cheaper to go in one car than to take two, (Better for the environment also!) As I'm no taking my dog with me this time (He's getting too old for 10hr drives) He's staying at my parents place with my Aunt who will be house sitting for them for the two weeks while they are away (Me included of course). My Aunt is a dog person (i.e she has a dog, and is a good dog owner so I know my dog will be in excellent hands) I'm going to miss him though as I'm very attached to to my dog. I shudder when I think what I'll do when his time is up. (Which I hope isn't for a while yet)
With the countdown on to Christmas those readers of this blog who do x-mas I hope it's running as smoothly as it can for you. For those who don't, enjoy the sales on the 26th!
That's all I've got.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Word count increase - Lucky shirt
I wrote 5,582 words today. I'm putting it down to the shirt I'm wearing as the last time (The only time) I've managed to hit the 5K mark was while I was wearing one of the two shirts I bought for Nano. The first one was an official Nano t-shirt with money going to establish future Nano success. The second was a shirt I bought which I added too. The front came with I Write and on the back I put 'But can't punctuate' I tried to take a photo of it, but it kinda turned out shit. I'll try again and if you can actually READ the shirt, then I'll upload it. Anyway I was wearing the 'I write' t-shirt the day I hit 5K and I'm wearing it again today. So I'm thinking this is my lucky punch out a shit load of words shirt! I'll be pulling it on in the future for assignments that I need to write in a hurry!
So 5,582 words today. I'm so happy with that. I got up early and helped my mum out before heading home mid morning. Then I just got into it. I sat and I wrote, I stopped for lunch and then I came back in this afternoon and wrote some more. I'm extremely happy with the progress point I've got to. Heath has had a dark side erupt to the surface and Zoey has just had something MAJOR happen. So until tomorrow. I'm going to chill out (Literally in the air-con) play some PS3, and probably some L4D2 and just take it easy this afternoon.
It's hot - I mean super hot with a hot westerly breeze! Damn that big dry patch in the centre of Australia what insists on making the winds blow to the East coast!
Hope everyone is having a great weekend.
Here's a new snippet :)
‘Just breathe Heath, in and out deep breaths, you are safe.’ Zoey waited momentarily her body pushed against Heaths in the tight confined space. Heath was thinking of so many other things so that his hormonal teenage body wouldn’t fail him right now with Zoey on top of him.
That's all I've got
So 5,582 words today. I'm so happy with that. I got up early and helped my mum out before heading home mid morning. Then I just got into it. I sat and I wrote, I stopped for lunch and then I came back in this afternoon and wrote some more. I'm extremely happy with the progress point I've got to. Heath has had a dark side erupt to the surface and Zoey has just had something MAJOR happen. So until tomorrow. I'm going to chill out (Literally in the air-con) play some PS3, and probably some L4D2 and just take it easy this afternoon.
It's hot - I mean super hot with a hot westerly breeze! Damn that big dry patch in the centre of Australia what insists on making the winds blow to the East coast!
Hope everyone is having a great weekend.
Here's a new snippet :)
‘Just breathe Heath, in and out deep breaths, you are safe.’ Zoey waited momentarily her body pushed against Heaths in the tight confined space. Heath was thinking of so many other things so that his hormonal teenage body wouldn’t fail him right now with Zoey on top of him.
That's all I've got
Friday, December 11, 2009
Getting there
I've written more to my novel. It's technically day 41 and I have an accumulated a word count of 54,497. The thing is - I don't want to rush an ending just so I have something to take out to my brothers for x-mas. He's keen to read it along with a few other people I'm happy to show it to. But I don't want to share a piece of work that has a nice pace to it, only to have it rushed and kinda 'thrown' together ending.
My mum asked me today (I'm currently at her place for the weekend) if I'd finished the story. I told her no, she asked how much longer did I think it would take, and I said I wasn't sure, maybe a few more weeks seeing as Christmas is coming. She seemed disappointed that I'd not have it finished in time to get out to see my brother for x-mas. I told her it wouldn't matter he'd not have time to read it anyway! So I'd rather wait and finish it the way I want too, than rush it and have a wad of paper that I might be able to physically hand to my brother, but with all the stuff going on surrounding x-mas and new year he won't have time to pick it up and read it. I'd rather wait and post it out to him say at the end of January.
This brings me to books. Most people read books, but I want to know if others are like me and have a few books on the go at one time, or if they just settle in on one and read it from cover to cover and move on? The reason why I have a few different books on the go is that I look at them kinda like a TV series, in that you get bits of it at a time, before waiting a week to get more. I'm like that with chapters. I might read four chapters of one book, then not pick that book up for another week, but in between I've read a chapter or two from another book, and so on. I generally have two to three on the go.
Which brings me to this question. Is that just me? or are there others out there that do that? The ONLY person I know who does this is a friend of my fathers who has books for certain places. He has a book in the kitchen he reads while he eats, one in bed, and one in the car which travels with him should he go to a doctors appointment or something, but always remains in the car for a time filler. So when people ask me 'what are you reading?' and I'll generally name two books, they always look at me in a confused way and always say - How are you reading two books at once? I sometimes think in their minds they see me holding up two books and reading them simultaneously! Some people are a little special I guess.
Anyway I'll leave you to ponder your reading routine. I look forward to your responses.
That's all I've got.
My mum asked me today (I'm currently at her place for the weekend) if I'd finished the story. I told her no, she asked how much longer did I think it would take, and I said I wasn't sure, maybe a few more weeks seeing as Christmas is coming. She seemed disappointed that I'd not have it finished in time to get out to see my brother for x-mas. I told her it wouldn't matter he'd not have time to read it anyway! So I'd rather wait and finish it the way I want too, than rush it and have a wad of paper that I might be able to physically hand to my brother, but with all the stuff going on surrounding x-mas and new year he won't have time to pick it up and read it. I'd rather wait and post it out to him say at the end of January.
This brings me to books. Most people read books, but I want to know if others are like me and have a few books on the go at one time, or if they just settle in on one and read it from cover to cover and move on? The reason why I have a few different books on the go is that I look at them kinda like a TV series, in that you get bits of it at a time, before waiting a week to get more. I'm like that with chapters. I might read four chapters of one book, then not pick that book up for another week, but in between I've read a chapter or two from another book, and so on. I generally have two to three on the go.
Which brings me to this question. Is that just me? or are there others out there that do that? The ONLY person I know who does this is a friend of my fathers who has books for certain places. He has a book in the kitchen he reads while he eats, one in bed, and one in the car which travels with him should he go to a doctors appointment or something, but always remains in the car for a time filler. So when people ask me 'what are you reading?' and I'll generally name two books, they always look at me in a confused way and always say - How are you reading two books at once? I sometimes think in their minds they see me holding up two books and reading them simultaneously! Some people are a little special I guess.
Anyway I'll leave you to ponder your reading routine. I look forward to your responses.
That's all I've got.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Hillbilly Dunn's Question
Hillbilly Dunn has asked us the question Who were you? Click linkage here It got me thinking. What was I like at highschool? I remember it wasn’t the best experience of my life, however if I got the chance to live it again I’d do so many things differently. Ahh good old hindsight allows us 20/20 vision!!
I wasn’t in the popular group (Wasn't rich or pretty enough!) and I wasn’t in the super smart group (Wasn't smart enough!) Though I was a nerd /geek – as I loved sci-fi! I was the middle group. The group who didn’t get invited to all the parties, but sometimes did. The group who had an after school job. (Because their parents weren't rich!) The group who were just middle of the road. Not too smart, not too stupid, could make people laugh and were a generally good friend.
No one at high-school knew I was gay. I didn't come out until I was 21. But looking back I'd not have been afraid to hide it, as I did as a teenager. I spent my days in the music room as my passion was music (I played Drums) If I wasn’t playing drums I was just hanging out. I was the one who got picked on for being small. My mum sent me to self defence lessons as she was sick of me coming home beaten up all the time. I told NO-ONE of these Taekwondo lessons. People have a tendency to pick fights with the people they know can fight, and also the ones they think can’t. I fell into the later category, and my brown belt helped me hand several people their asses, and almost got me expelled. (I claimed self defence which it was, and some ‘younger’ students back me up!) I got off with a suspension.
Out of school, I played drums, swam a lot and just generally hung out with friends. The usual ‘teenager’ thing. I drank too much as an adolescent, which in my 20/20 vision I’d not repeat. I’d still have a drink, but not to the excesses I did. (I got named in the final year book as The one most likely to become an alcoholic!)
So I extend Hillbilly Dunn’s question to you. Who were you at school? You can either comment or write a blog of your own.
That’s all I’ve got.
I wasn’t in the popular group (Wasn't rich or pretty enough!) and I wasn’t in the super smart group (Wasn't smart enough!) Though I was a nerd /geek – as I loved sci-fi! I was the middle group. The group who didn’t get invited to all the parties, but sometimes did. The group who had an after school job. (Because their parents weren't rich!) The group who were just middle of the road. Not too smart, not too stupid, could make people laugh and were a generally good friend.
No one at high-school knew I was gay. I didn't come out until I was 21. But looking back I'd not have been afraid to hide it, as I did as a teenager. I spent my days in the music room as my passion was music (I played Drums) If I wasn’t playing drums I was just hanging out. I was the one who got picked on for being small. My mum sent me to self defence lessons as she was sick of me coming home beaten up all the time. I told NO-ONE of these Taekwondo lessons. People have a tendency to pick fights with the people they know can fight, and also the ones they think can’t. I fell into the later category, and my brown belt helped me hand several people their asses, and almost got me expelled. (I claimed self defence which it was, and some ‘younger’ students back me up!) I got off with a suspension.
Out of school, I played drums, swam a lot and just generally hung out with friends. The usual ‘teenager’ thing. I drank too much as an adolescent, which in my 20/20 vision I’d not repeat. I’d still have a drink, but not to the excesses I did. (I got named in the final year book as The one most likely to become an alcoholic!)
So I extend Hillbilly Dunn’s question to you. Who were you at school? You can either comment or write a blog of your own.
That’s all I’ve got.
Monday, December 7, 2009
My theory worked
I kinda got this theory from the past few days that when I told people I was going to be spending the day writing a little alarm went off in the universe somewhere and people decided they needed to contact me. Either by phone or in person. So the past few day when I had planned to write more of my Nano novel. I didn't as I had people just drop in on me. I don't mind people who come to visit but fucking call first!? I dislike it when people just 'arrive' It's not that hard to phone someone and say - Hey I'm near you is it ok to pop over and say hello? Not just rock up and knock on the door. To me that's rude. If I'm going to call and see a friend I will have PLANNED it in advance, usually with a time i.e I'll come over around 2pm and I do. I arrive at their place at 2pm.
So I went with the theory that I would tell people I wasn't going to write. So big sign up NOT WRITING...... It bloody worked! No one 'dropped' in. No one called, except my mum, but that was about 30 mins ago to tell me it was 36c in her kitchen and that is just ridiculous at 8:30pm at night! Plus she had an unload session about my father!
Anyway..... My Novel I punched out 3,000 words today. Which I'm happy with. I've also thought about how I'll break it up into chapter like sections. I was a little worried just how I'd do that, but I got some inspiration today and once I read out the entire piece I'll know then if my breaking up into bits similar to chapters will work.
It's all about to get turbulent as Zoey and Heath go underground to search for answers, some of which will shock Zoey to the core.... Oooooo If I don't make it as a novelist. I can always get a job as a cover writer, giving the digest or 'hook' of the book to get the readers in.
With that I'm off to kill some Zombies in Left 4 Dead 2 the most awesome game I've played in a while. Going to hack some up with a chainsaw this evening as my weapon of choice.
Until then....
That's all I've got.
So I went with the theory that I would tell people I wasn't going to write. So big sign up NOT WRITING...... It bloody worked! No one 'dropped' in. No one called, except my mum, but that was about 30 mins ago to tell me it was 36c in her kitchen and that is just ridiculous at 8:30pm at night! Plus she had an unload session about my father!
Anyway..... My Novel I punched out 3,000 words today. Which I'm happy with. I've also thought about how I'll break it up into chapter like sections. I was a little worried just how I'd do that, but I got some inspiration today and once I read out the entire piece I'll know then if my breaking up into bits similar to chapters will work.
It's all about to get turbulent as Zoey and Heath go underground to search for answers, some of which will shock Zoey to the core.... Oooooo If I don't make it as a novelist. I can always get a job as a cover writer, giving the digest or 'hook' of the book to get the readers in.
With that I'm off to kill some Zombies in Left 4 Dead 2 the most awesome game I've played in a while. Going to hack some up with a chainsaw this evening as my weapon of choice.
Until then....
That's all I've got.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
The Urban Dictionary defines friendship as:
A relationship between two individuals that share a mutual bond of trust and liking as well as commitment and personal feelings and experiences, which allows them to benefit from each other.
A friend of mine called me to day to let me know I’d been ‘dropped’ by a mutual friend. Why I can hear you ask? Because I’ve not seen him in ages. i.e I’ve not been around to his house, not been to the pub, not been in a physical social setting with him for almost 12 months. Therefore this means that I am no longer his friend.
After I stopped laughing for a good minute I then asked phone friend was he serious> He replied with: ‘Are you going to his party tonight?’
My answer: No I didn’t get invited’
His response: Well then I’m serious.
So a few mixed emotions ran through me at this point, like ‘what ever, meh, fuck him and I don’t really need this shit’ THEN Phone friend (Who was on my side) asked me ‘what has he who shall not be named done for you in the last 12 months?’
I thought about it, and I was like well he’s sent a few text messages to me, the odd e-mail but that’s about it. Phone friend continued and you what have you done for him? I answered with I’ve phoned him several times to just have a chat and say hello, I’ve sent return txt messages and e-mails etc. I sent him a card for his birthday – the usual things I do for friends why?’
Phone Friend: So what are you getting out of the friendship with this person (If you can’t tell by now Phone friend is a psychologist.)
I paused thought about it and answered honestly. Well to be honest nothing, all I ever get is him bitching at me that I never visit, or I don’t go to things that our mutual ‘group’ goes too, usually because it’s on a night I’ve got something else on!
‘Phone Friend’ (PF) – Well don’t worry about it then
Me: I didn’t’ say I was worrying.
PF: Oh you didn’t either.
Me: So are you going to his party?’
PF: No I’m not
Me: Better watch out you don’t get removed from the ‘friend list’
PF: If he wanted to dump people who go out of their way to be nice to him all because they’ve not shared the same room in 12 months he can go fuck himself!
Me: Thanks
PF: No that’s what I said to him when I told him I wasn’t going to his party!
Me: (Laughing) One thing about you at least you’re honest.
Which brings me to the pettiness of this situation. I’ve thought about it a little this afternoon and I can’t help but come back to the same question. How old is this man? I mean he’s carrying on like he’s fucking thirteen years old! Yet in reality he’s a lot older than that!
So as I sit in my air-conditioned comfort and download game demos on my new PS3. I’ll knock over some zombies in Left 4 Dead 2 and enjoy my Saturday evening ‘party free and demanding friend free’
That’s all I’ve got.
A relationship between two individuals that share a mutual bond of trust and liking as well as commitment and personal feelings and experiences, which allows them to benefit from each other.
A friend of mine called me to day to let me know I’d been ‘dropped’ by a mutual friend. Why I can hear you ask? Because I’ve not seen him in ages. i.e I’ve not been around to his house, not been to the pub, not been in a physical social setting with him for almost 12 months. Therefore this means that I am no longer his friend.
After I stopped laughing for a good minute I then asked phone friend was he serious> He replied with: ‘Are you going to his party tonight?’
My answer: No I didn’t get invited’
His response: Well then I’m serious.
So a few mixed emotions ran through me at this point, like ‘what ever, meh, fuck him and I don’t really need this shit’ THEN Phone friend (Who was on my side) asked me ‘what has he who shall not be named done for you in the last 12 months?’
I thought about it, and I was like well he’s sent a few text messages to me, the odd e-mail but that’s about it. Phone friend continued and you what have you done for him? I answered with I’ve phoned him several times to just have a chat and say hello, I’ve sent return txt messages and e-mails etc. I sent him a card for his birthday – the usual things I do for friends why?’
Phone Friend: So what are you getting out of the friendship with this person (If you can’t tell by now Phone friend is a psychologist.)
I paused thought about it and answered honestly. Well to be honest nothing, all I ever get is him bitching at me that I never visit, or I don’t go to things that our mutual ‘group’ goes too, usually because it’s on a night I’ve got something else on!
‘Phone Friend’ (PF) – Well don’t worry about it then
Me: I didn’t’ say I was worrying.
PF: Oh you didn’t either.
Me: So are you going to his party?’
PF: No I’m not
Me: Better watch out you don’t get removed from the ‘friend list’
PF: If he wanted to dump people who go out of their way to be nice to him all because they’ve not shared the same room in 12 months he can go fuck himself!
Me: Thanks
PF: No that’s what I said to him when I told him I wasn’t going to his party!
Me: (Laughing) One thing about you at least you’re honest.
Which brings me to the pettiness of this situation. I’ve thought about it a little this afternoon and I can’t help but come back to the same question. How old is this man? I mean he’s carrying on like he’s fucking thirteen years old! Yet in reality he’s a lot older than that!
So as I sit in my air-conditioned comfort and download game demos on my new PS3. I’ll knock over some zombies in Left 4 Dead 2 and enjoy my Saturday evening ‘party free and demanding friend free’
That’s all I’ve got.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
December is HERE
I wrote a blog to put up here, it was long and thoughtful and really kinda heartfelt. But somewhere along the way to uploading it - it was sucked off into the void and is no longer, that 'copy and paste' function just went 'fuck you' at me.
I'm here now writing this live in I.E *shudder* simply because it's the ONLY browser that will let me into the blogger site.
I'll give you the digest version of the lovely blog I wrote and was eaten.
Today I:
Went to my mum's to collect a parcel I had sent to her place as it was over $50 Long story but stuff went 'missing' from my mailbox in the past, so anything important I get sent to my mum's address. Thus the reason why I was wondering where the hell my parcel was that hadn't turned up to my place, and then I remembered I'd sent it to the 'safe house!'
Whilst at my mum's she got me to set up this video capture dongle thing she'd bought as part of her new PC package that will allow her to transfer her old Video tapes to the PC which can then be edited and burnt to DVD (Read 'This is something Sal will do over her holidays for her mum cause she asked her nicely!) My mum isn't super computer savvy she can turn it on, check her e-mail and play cards. But that's about it. But she's prepared to have a crack which is important.
Anyway while at her place today I seen old video from when I was young, some of which I can't remember the event even taking place (That's another long story) But it is a little strange to watch video of your loved ones who are now dead. My Grandfather, my Nan and most recently my Uncle and my Pop. I can't explain it, but it was a real bitter sweet feeling, like I got a chance to be close to them again, but knew it wasn't real. (Does that make sense?)
Subject change:
I've got more notes made for my story, and I plan to write over the weekend. I've had a few 'members of the family who I can't remove!!!' ask me 'are you finished yet? Aren't you going to finish it? I answer No I'm not finished yet - Yes I am going to finish it. Which is followed by 'When can we read it?' and my response is... When it's available for you to buy! Fuck them I don't like them enough to give away free copies of my work to them - I fucking despise half the people I'm unfortunate enough to be related to. I'm happy to share my work with people I've never meet in real life. But I'll make the blood ties pay!!!
So the above post is a digest of the 'heartfelt' one I did write out, but lost. Basically I went into a little more insight into how I felt watching the old home video's and seeing those whom I've lost - smile again.
In totally different news - I bought a PS3 (Yup the air-con idea got ditched!) and I'm currently d/loading free game demo's on it. PLUS I am super impressed with Left 4dead 2 which was the package that went to my mum's place. I came home this afternoon and loaded it and have played up to the 3rd level so far, and I'm LOVING it - like more than Wolfenstien!! Which is saying a lot.
Alright. I hope this post doesn’t get eaten as well.
That's all I've got.
I'm here now writing this live in I.E *shudder* simply because it's the ONLY browser that will let me into the blogger site.
I'll give you the digest version of the lovely blog I wrote and was eaten.
Today I:
Went to my mum's to collect a parcel I had sent to her place as it was over $50 Long story but stuff went 'missing' from my mailbox in the past, so anything important I get sent to my mum's address. Thus the reason why I was wondering where the hell my parcel was that hadn't turned up to my place, and then I remembered I'd sent it to the 'safe house!'
Whilst at my mum's she got me to set up this video capture dongle thing she'd bought as part of her new PC package that will allow her to transfer her old Video tapes to the PC which can then be edited and burnt to DVD (Read 'This is something Sal will do over her holidays for her mum cause she asked her nicely!) My mum isn't super computer savvy she can turn it on, check her e-mail and play cards. But that's about it. But she's prepared to have a crack which is important.
Anyway while at her place today I seen old video from when I was young, some of which I can't remember the event even taking place (That's another long story) But it is a little strange to watch video of your loved ones who are now dead. My Grandfather, my Nan and most recently my Uncle and my Pop. I can't explain it, but it was a real bitter sweet feeling, like I got a chance to be close to them again, but knew it wasn't real. (Does that make sense?)
Subject change:
I've got more notes made for my story, and I plan to write over the weekend. I've had a few 'members of the family who I can't remove!!!' ask me 'are you finished yet? Aren't you going to finish it? I answer No I'm not finished yet - Yes I am going to finish it. Which is followed by 'When can we read it?' and my response is... When it's available for you to buy! Fuck them I don't like them enough to give away free copies of my work to them - I fucking despise half the people I'm unfortunate enough to be related to. I'm happy to share my work with people I've never meet in real life. But I'll make the blood ties pay!!!
So the above post is a digest of the 'heartfelt' one I did write out, but lost. Basically I went into a little more insight into how I felt watching the old home video's and seeing those whom I've lost - smile again.
In totally different news - I bought a PS3 (Yup the air-con idea got ditched!) and I'm currently d/loading free game demo's on it. PLUS I am super impressed with Left 4dead 2 which was the package that went to my mum's place. I came home this afternoon and loaded it and have played up to the 3rd level so far, and I'm LOVING it - like more than Wolfenstien!! Which is saying a lot.
Alright. I hope this post doesn’t get eaten as well.
That's all I've got.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Day 30 - A real sense of accomplishment
Today is the 30th of November – I’ve done a blog entry every day this month, allowing you the readers access to my journey of NanoWriMo for 2009 and it has also given me an outlet to look back at in the future. To hopefully gain something from this time next year when I write a blog entry on how Nano went for 2010!
That feeling I had in the early hours of the morning in blog titled ‘Awesome’ (See Nov 1st) in which I expressed how excited I was at the thought of writing a 50,000 word novel in thirty days, but also the excitement and apprehension of writing my first EVER novel. That excitement is still with me, and the apprehension is there somewhat in relation to ‘where do I go next’ but I take both feelings at this point as a good sign, even though I’m yet to complete my novel as such (At this rate I think it will sit around the 60K mark – however when I edit it will probably drop back to about 55K if I had to have a guess)
What I’m most proud of, is that I worked really hard at this. I did my home work before the 1st of November, with notes in my little note book of characters, and plots, how the stories would arc and link back etc, and I’ve taken those notes and created something that I’m really happy with.
My lead characters name was always going to be Zoey and I’ve stuck with that, However Heath had a few different names from Tom, through to Cooper. However it was Heath that stuck as it’s not a name you hear often, which I think is important. I mean honestly how many books have you read over your time with the lead character called ‘Edward’ yet I’m sure that will be the boy’s name of choice for the next 10 years, just as ‘Harry’ is very popular once again.
Anyway with today being the last day of Nano – I’ve not really written enough to change my final word count (I’ve produced another 600 words) but I’m happy. I’m happy with the mammoth effort of writing 50,000 words in 27 days. I’m happy to be able to say to people. I’ve written a 50,000 word novel, and overall for me personally I’m in a really good place right now. If this is the feeling writing brings to my life, then I’ll definitely be pursuing it in the future. Would I love to be a writer as a ‘job’ yes I would, but I’ll be realistic, I’ll study to be a research librarian and I’ll write novels at night, allowing others to step into my imagination.
To all of you who commented throughout my NanoWriMo journey. I thank you, as your comments and support really did help.
To those who ‘lurked’ I don't bite if you comment I promise!
I hope you enjoyed this month’s daily update. I will attempt to write more often as this outlet has been good for me.
That’s all I’ve got.
That feeling I had in the early hours of the morning in blog titled ‘Awesome’ (See Nov 1st) in which I expressed how excited I was at the thought of writing a 50,000 word novel in thirty days, but also the excitement and apprehension of writing my first EVER novel. That excitement is still with me, and the apprehension is there somewhat in relation to ‘where do I go next’ but I take both feelings at this point as a good sign, even though I’m yet to complete my novel as such (At this rate I think it will sit around the 60K mark – however when I edit it will probably drop back to about 55K if I had to have a guess)
What I’m most proud of, is that I worked really hard at this. I did my home work before the 1st of November, with notes in my little note book of characters, and plots, how the stories would arc and link back etc, and I’ve taken those notes and created something that I’m really happy with.
My lead characters name was always going to be Zoey and I’ve stuck with that, However Heath had a few different names from Tom, through to Cooper. However it was Heath that stuck as it’s not a name you hear often, which I think is important. I mean honestly how many books have you read over your time with the lead character called ‘Edward’ yet I’m sure that will be the boy’s name of choice for the next 10 years, just as ‘Harry’ is very popular once again.
Anyway with today being the last day of Nano – I’ve not really written enough to change my final word count (I’ve produced another 600 words) but I’m happy. I’m happy with the mammoth effort of writing 50,000 words in 27 days. I’m happy to be able to say to people. I’ve written a 50,000 word novel, and overall for me personally I’m in a really good place right now. If this is the feeling writing brings to my life, then I’ll definitely be pursuing it in the future. Would I love to be a writer as a ‘job’ yes I would, but I’ll be realistic, I’ll study to be a research librarian and I’ll write novels at night, allowing others to step into my imagination.
To all of you who commented throughout my NanoWriMo journey. I thank you, as your comments and support really did help.
To those who ‘lurked’ I don't bite if you comment I promise!
I hope you enjoyed this month’s daily update. I will attempt to write more often as this outlet has been good for me.
That’s all I’ve got.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
No Nanno
I'd originally planned to tie up the loose ends of my novel today, however that old saying the best paid plains (insert however it goes because I can't really remember it!) went south about mid morning when I had 'unexpected' visitors.
My Sunday mornings are well routine pretty much. I get up whenever I wake up, go out get the Sunday paper, bread, milk and a cake (Today was an apple pie) and I return home, make a cup of tea, and read the aforementioned paper which I purchased, usually eating the cake for morning tea. Or breakfast depending on how 'healthy' it is. As today's cake had fruit in it - I passed it off as a 'healthy' snack. Clearly ignoring the sugar encrusted on the lid of the pie!! But meh life's here to be lived and all that (Insert another cliché`)
With paper, tea and apple pie in hand. I had just taken the last bite and was washing it down with a nice gulp of tea when my dog answered the door for me (The bonus of not having a door bell that works. I've got a boxer dog who barks!) I stop what I'm doing an answer the door.
You know those relatives you never stay in contact with because you well - don't like them! It was those relatives. The ones who never show up unless they a) want something b) want something c) see a + b. I realise how nasty that sounds but I've not seen these particular relatives in FIVE years! FIVE and out of the blue they just happened to be in the area and thought they'd 'drop in', which is total bullshit as I've not lived in this house for FIVE years! But anyway!!!!!
I was a pleasant host. I offered them tea and coffee and the few assorted sweet biscuits I had left. They chatted generally..... Then they hammered me for information re another relative who has come into some money after their partner died. I was like you fuckers! I know approx what this relative got re estate money etc - but I wasn't telling them shit! I just point blank lied, and said I didn't know, though I couldn't help myself with the dig 'But I didn't see you at the funeral!'
Which brings me to the question I'd like to pose to you readers.
If you could 'remove' certain people who unfortunately you are related too. Who would you and why? No names required, just what they have done which is just shit that makes you wish you didn't know them, let alone be unfortunate enough to be related to them.
I got rid of them eventually. I pretty much got up and walked them to the door! My house was like a sauna and well to be honest I wanted nothing more than to relax in the ONE room I have with air-con. After they left I cranked up the air-con in my room, and went in for a Nanna nap. I've since had my 'almost four' nephew call me to share his tiny teddy biscuits over the phone with me, with the direct quote of 'Here's your one Sal (Sound of biscuit on the mouthpiece of the phone) Oh.. I'll eat it for you.... ok?'
Tomorrow is the 30th of November. The current plan as it stands now it to write tomorrow, and get some of the loose ends tied up. However having reached the 50,000 word goal I feel I've achieved something huge, but with the novel not finished. I know I've still got work to do.
That's all I've got.
My Sunday mornings are well routine pretty much. I get up whenever I wake up, go out get the Sunday paper, bread, milk and a cake (Today was an apple pie) and I return home, make a cup of tea, and read the aforementioned paper which I purchased, usually eating the cake for morning tea. Or breakfast depending on how 'healthy' it is. As today's cake had fruit in it - I passed it off as a 'healthy' snack. Clearly ignoring the sugar encrusted on the lid of the pie!! But meh life's here to be lived and all that (Insert another cliché`)
With paper, tea and apple pie in hand. I had just taken the last bite and was washing it down with a nice gulp of tea when my dog answered the door for me (The bonus of not having a door bell that works. I've got a boxer dog who barks!) I stop what I'm doing an answer the door.
You know those relatives you never stay in contact with because you well - don't like them! It was those relatives. The ones who never show up unless they a) want something b) want something c) see a + b. I realise how nasty that sounds but I've not seen these particular relatives in FIVE years! FIVE and out of the blue they just happened to be in the area and thought they'd 'drop in', which is total bullshit as I've not lived in this house for FIVE years! But anyway!!!!!
I was a pleasant host. I offered them tea and coffee and the few assorted sweet biscuits I had left. They chatted generally..... Then they hammered me for information re another relative who has come into some money after their partner died. I was like you fuckers! I know approx what this relative got re estate money etc - but I wasn't telling them shit! I just point blank lied, and said I didn't know, though I couldn't help myself with the dig 'But I didn't see you at the funeral!'
Which brings me to the question I'd like to pose to you readers.
If you could 'remove' certain people who unfortunately you are related too. Who would you and why? No names required, just what they have done which is just shit that makes you wish you didn't know them, let alone be unfortunate enough to be related to them.
I got rid of them eventually. I pretty much got up and walked them to the door! My house was like a sauna and well to be honest I wanted nothing more than to relax in the ONE room I have with air-con. After they left I cranked up the air-con in my room, and went in for a Nanna nap. I've since had my 'almost four' nephew call me to share his tiny teddy biscuits over the phone with me, with the direct quote of 'Here's your one Sal (Sound of biscuit on the mouthpiece of the phone) Oh.. I'll eat it for you.... ok?'
Tomorrow is the 30th of November. The current plan as it stands now it to write tomorrow, and get some of the loose ends tied up. However having reached the 50,000 word goal I feel I've achieved something huge, but with the novel not finished. I know I've still got work to do.
That's all I've got.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Day Twenty Eight - Wasted Organ
It's hot here today - like hot and humid with hot westerly winds. I'm confident you understand that it's hot!
So today I did nothing. Not a thing. I've spent the entire day in my room doing sweet FA watching TV, playing video games and basically enjoying my own company. It's nice to have a day where you have to do nothing but entertain yourself!
I'm off to cook some sausages for dinner, as I'm in a sausage place after buying some while I was out yesterday. So with a very short update in the world of Just Sal. I will leave you some stuff I found today that I wrote some time ago - clearly I wasn't a happy camper when I wrote this one. I do know which Ex it's about though!
Your eyes are emotionless.
You have no soul.
This is why it's so easy for you.
To just take out my heart.
Like a doctor would an appendix.
Discard it like the wasted organ that you deem it to be.
That's all I've got
So today I did nothing. Not a thing. I've spent the entire day in my room doing sweet FA watching TV, playing video games and basically enjoying my own company. It's nice to have a day where you have to do nothing but entertain yourself!
I'm off to cook some sausages for dinner, as I'm in a sausage place after buying some while I was out yesterday. So with a very short update in the world of Just Sal. I will leave you some stuff I found today that I wrote some time ago - clearly I wasn't a happy camper when I wrote this one. I do know which Ex it's about though!
Your eyes are emotionless.
You have no soul.
This is why it's so easy for you.
To just take out my heart.
Like a doctor would an appendix.
Discard it like the wasted organ that you deem it to be.
That's all I've got
Friday, November 27, 2009
Day Twentyseven - LOOK a picture :P

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Well in this case it's worth 50,000 words. I have done it :) I've written 50,000 words in 27 days. To say I'm happy right now would be an understatement. My story however isn't finished just yet, so I'll continue to work on it over the next three days. But I made 50K I'm like feeling a real sense of accomplishment right now. This is all me, all of it came out of my head, my imagination... I'm like wow!
So with that HUGE news - I'm off out to have dinner with a friend, and generally allow the fact that I just wrote 50,000 words in 27 days to sink in.
Thank you all for your comments and support over the past month, I really do appreciate it, and some of you mean the world to me regarding the support you've shown me. If I could hug you all right now I totally would ;)
That's all I've got.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Day TwentySix - Family
Today was a solid day of family stuff (Plus the dentist!!) My cousin and I made our way to my mum's place which we timed well as my Aunt hadn't arrived at that stage, so we could 'literally' hide her son as the super surprise.
She finally arrived, he nicked around from the back to the front and rang the doorbell, in which I answered and told her there was a delivery for her out the front the 'lady' needed her to sign for it, as it was for her. So thinking nothing of it, she went out the front to be greeted by her son. As expected it was a lovely moment, as she thought he was still interstate.
Long day cut short.
Family stuff for morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner.
I went to my dentist appointment at 3pm. I told the dentist that while he's lovely. The smell of his office is very off putting, that combined with the sound of the whizzing drill from the patient before me sent my blood cold. Thankfully my teeth are all good, and no fillings were required, it was just a general check up.
Back to my mum's for dinner more 'family' conversing, and then I went home. I had planned to get into Nano this evening, but I'm a little stuffed after the long day Which I also managed to fit a haircut into! - Talk about multi-tasking!
So with my current word count sitting officially on the Nano site of 45,426 I'll head off and watch David Tennant on the Graham Norton show and goto bed.
I'll tackle Nano tomorrow and expand the notes I made during today. I've decided on a happy / bitter sweet ending...
(Scoman I'm sorry to tell you.... Heath won't make it throught Ninja school!!!)
That's all I've got.
She finally arrived, he nicked around from the back to the front and rang the doorbell, in which I answered and told her there was a delivery for her out the front the 'lady' needed her to sign for it, as it was for her. So thinking nothing of it, she went out the front to be greeted by her son. As expected it was a lovely moment, as she thought he was still interstate.
Long day cut short.
Family stuff for morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner.
I went to my dentist appointment at 3pm. I told the dentist that while he's lovely. The smell of his office is very off putting, that combined with the sound of the whizzing drill from the patient before me sent my blood cold. Thankfully my teeth are all good, and no fillings were required, it was just a general check up.
Back to my mum's for dinner more 'family' conversing, and then I went home. I had planned to get into Nano this evening, but I'm a little stuffed after the long day Which I also managed to fit a haircut into! - Talk about multi-tasking!
So with my current word count sitting officially on the Nano site of 45,426 I'll head off and watch David Tennant on the Graham Norton show and goto bed.
I'll tackle Nano tomorrow and expand the notes I made during today. I've decided on a happy / bitter sweet ending...
(Scoman I'm sorry to tell you.... Heath won't make it throught Ninja school!!!)
That's all I've got.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Day Twentyfive - 1,200 words
I wrote about 1,200 words today which brings me to a total word count of 45,031 which is currently 2,531 words ahead of where I should be on Day 25. This has made me feel better as I spent the afternoon running about picking up family from the airport and other ‘stuff’
I’ve got my ‘nice’ cousin on my mum’s side of the family staying with me tonight – he’s the surprise guest for his mums birthday tomorrow. So I won’t get any more writing done tonight as I plan to catch up with him as I’ve not seen him in about three years. We’re about to head out to dinner at the pub (His mum lives in another town, so there’s no chance of us running into her!) Then we’ll probably kick back, watch a movie and just generally hang out. He’ll be staying with his mum tomorrow night – so this is the only real chance I’ll get to catch up.
So this is short and sweet, as he’s just got out of the shower and I’m sure will be dressed and ready to go in five minutes.
That’s all I’ve got
I’ve got my ‘nice’ cousin on my mum’s side of the family staying with me tonight – he’s the surprise guest for his mums birthday tomorrow. So I won’t get any more writing done tonight as I plan to catch up with him as I’ve not seen him in about three years. We’re about to head out to dinner at the pub (His mum lives in another town, so there’s no chance of us running into her!) Then we’ll probably kick back, watch a movie and just generally hang out. He’ll be staying with his mum tomorrow night – so this is the only real chance I’ll get to catch up.
So this is short and sweet, as he’s just got out of the shower and I’m sure will be dressed and ready to go in five minutes.
That’s all I’ve got
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Day twenty-four - Will be more than 50K
I didn't write anything today - I looked over the first 15 days I printed out, and have made some adjustments I'll put in once Nano is over. But after yesterdays effort I'm well ahead of the limit I should be at by today which is 40,800 Therefore I could afford to take the day off, besides I was a little Zoey and Heathed out to be honest.
So today I did nothing - not a thing, I watched some TV, did some washing, and general 'cleaning' around the house and spoke to my brother on the phone.
Tomorrow I'll be back into it as I've got a family thing on Thursday (My Aunt's b'day lunch) + a trip to the dentist :( Urgh the smell makes me nervous. I'm aware that Dentist play an important role on society. However I'm not a fan.
Tomorrow I'll make up for not writing today, and not having a lot of time to write on Thursday. But at this stage i.e where I'm at with the story arc I'll end up going over 50,000 words. If I 'wrap' it up now it will have a super 'rushed' and shit house ending, and I hate books that have a rushed shitty ending! So I'll push past the word limit, and just write the book I want to write. The comp after all asks you to write 50,000 words in 30 days - it doesn't say anything about going over the 50,000 word limit!
Until tomorrow.
That's all I've got
So today I did nothing - not a thing, I watched some TV, did some washing, and general 'cleaning' around the house and spoke to my brother on the phone.
Tomorrow I'll be back into it as I've got a family thing on Thursday (My Aunt's b'day lunch) + a trip to the dentist :( Urgh the smell makes me nervous. I'm aware that Dentist play an important role on society. However I'm not a fan.
Tomorrow I'll make up for not writing today, and not having a lot of time to write on Thursday. But at this stage i.e where I'm at with the story arc I'll end up going over 50,000 words. If I 'wrap' it up now it will have a super 'rushed' and shit house ending, and I hate books that have a rushed shitty ending! So I'll push past the word limit, and just write the book I want to write. The comp after all asks you to write 50,000 words in 30 days - it doesn't say anything about going over the 50,000 word limit!
Until tomorrow.
That's all I've got
Monday, November 23, 2009
Day TwentyThree - 5K - Hell Yeah!
Five Thousand One Hundred and Forty!
Yes readers I cracked the 5k mark – Thanks to a little encouragement from Scoman (Linkage to him in the ‘sidebar)
Before Flash-forward I had 4,310 words – Sooooo close to 5K – too close in fact to let it slip – so I’ve just punched out the extra 690 words needed to make 5K going that touch further and punching out 830 words to call it a day on a total word count of 43,884 of 50,000
I’m exhausted though, I’m feeling better than this time yesterday – It was just a migraine (I say like like I’ve kicked my toe! Ohh it was JUST a migraine! FML sometimes!!) However the bonus of getting sick at my mum’s is she has the GOOD drugs – she had pain killers and anit-spew meds left over from her Cancer treatment and well – when it comes to me and pain killers for my head – you don’t have to ask me twice if I’d like the ‘stronger’ ones :P (I do NOT condone inappropriate use of prescription pain medication! In all seriousness!!!!!)
So with Nano roaring ahead. I’ll leave you with a snippet from today’s effort and call it a night.
‘Come on Heath – I said hit me!’
Heath jumped to his feet ‘If you stayed still long enough I would’
‘You’re attacker isn’t going to stand still for you. So come on!’
Again Heath rushed Zoey, though this time she didn’t move, and he run straight into her, pushing her to the ground.
‘Right you’ve got me here, now keep me here’ Zoey wiggled slightly, not putting any real effort into it, and Heath grabbed and pinned her arms down. ‘That’s good, but you’re forgetting something’
Zoey pulled her legs up and wrapped them around heath, rolled onto her side, and had him pinned to the ground before he knew what was really happening.
‘Hey no fair’ Heath Complained.
That’s all I’ve got.
Yes readers I cracked the 5k mark – Thanks to a little encouragement from Scoman (Linkage to him in the ‘sidebar)
Before Flash-forward I had 4,310 words – Sooooo close to 5K – too close in fact to let it slip – so I’ve just punched out the extra 690 words needed to make 5K going that touch further and punching out 830 words to call it a day on a total word count of 43,884 of 50,000
I’m exhausted though, I’m feeling better than this time yesterday – It was just a migraine (I say like like I’ve kicked my toe! Ohh it was JUST a migraine! FML sometimes!!) However the bonus of getting sick at my mum’s is she has the GOOD drugs – she had pain killers and anit-spew meds left over from her Cancer treatment and well – when it comes to me and pain killers for my head – you don’t have to ask me twice if I’d like the ‘stronger’ ones :P (I do NOT condone inappropriate use of prescription pain medication! In all seriousness!!!!!)
So with Nano roaring ahead. I’ll leave you with a snippet from today’s effort and call it a night.
‘Come on Heath – I said hit me!’
Heath jumped to his feet ‘If you stayed still long enough I would’
‘You’re attacker isn’t going to stand still for you. So come on!’
Again Heath rushed Zoey, though this time she didn’t move, and he run straight into her, pushing her to the ground.
‘Right you’ve got me here, now keep me here’ Zoey wiggled slightly, not putting any real effort into it, and Heath grabbed and pinned her arms down. ‘That’s good, but you’re forgetting something’
Zoey pulled her legs up and wrapped them around heath, rolled onto her side, and had him pinned to the ground before he knew what was really happening.
‘Hey no fair’ Heath Complained.
That’s all I’ve got.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Day Twenty-Two - I got my laptop back
Hello Blog readers.
Yes as you can see from the heading I got my laptop back :) YAY... I can now officially write in the comfort of the air-conditioning of my bedroom to finish out the final week of NanoWriMo in relative comfort.... Comfort right now is the key word.
I'm at my mum's as I type this. I came here today to get my laptop as she's borrowed it to check out Windows 7 before buying her beast of a PC (Which I'm currently typing on!) I arrived and promptly spewed in her front garden! *lol* I know that's terrible. Yet I find it highly amusing... you can all visualise it with me now 'Hi Mum - *Blurk* - 'Yeah not feeling the best!'
I originally put it down to a migraine as I had a headache before I left to goto my Mum's and simply assumed the headache turned to a migrane from the heat and the drive etc. But nooo I think I've got something else - a 'nasty' of some kind.
But I'd forgotten how nice it is to be sick and have someone there for you :) (It's something living on your own you really miss sometimes especially when you're sick - well I do anyway!) So I'm here in the air-conditioned house of my mums. Online on her PC that is lightning fast, doing a blog update to let all my followers (All 11 of you!) know that I'm still on track for Nano - I wrote 1,813 words this morning before heading to my mum's place. A) because I wanted to get that 1,700 word hump out of the way and b) so I could have a 'relaxing' afternoon. I'd originally planned to try and get the 3K mark when I got 'home' this evening - but I'm in no condition to write atm :(
So depending on how I'm feeling tomorrow (That's code for if my mum thinks I'm well enough to go home!) I'll be heading off mid morning, otherwise I'll be getting my Nano on from my Mum's place tomorrow and head home Tuesday. Thankfully I have a well travelled dog, who is the sort that goes everywhere with me - so he's here loving the house with full air-conditioning, and chasing the cats / birds / anything that moves including the sprinkler in the backyard at my mum's place. (That's code for my mum is spoiling him rotten!)
Speaking of Rotten! That's my cue - I'm out for the evening. I do hope everyone is feeling A LOT better than I am right now. As this nasty is exactly that 'nasty'
That's all I've got
** No snippet today as my file is on my PC at my place. (Sorry Scoman)
Yes as you can see from the heading I got my laptop back :) YAY... I can now officially write in the comfort of the air-conditioning of my bedroom to finish out the final week of NanoWriMo in relative comfort.... Comfort right now is the key word.
I'm at my mum's as I type this. I came here today to get my laptop as she's borrowed it to check out Windows 7 before buying her beast of a PC (Which I'm currently typing on!) I arrived and promptly spewed in her front garden! *lol* I know that's terrible. Yet I find it highly amusing... you can all visualise it with me now 'Hi Mum - *Blurk* - 'Yeah not feeling the best!'
I originally put it down to a migraine as I had a headache before I left to goto my Mum's and simply assumed the headache turned to a migrane from the heat and the drive etc. But nooo I think I've got something else - a 'nasty' of some kind.
But I'd forgotten how nice it is to be sick and have someone there for you :) (It's something living on your own you really miss sometimes especially when you're sick - well I do anyway!) So I'm here in the air-conditioned house of my mums. Online on her PC that is lightning fast, doing a blog update to let all my followers (All 11 of you!) know that I'm still on track for Nano - I wrote 1,813 words this morning before heading to my mum's place. A) because I wanted to get that 1,700 word hump out of the way and b) so I could have a 'relaxing' afternoon. I'd originally planned to try and get the 3K mark when I got 'home' this evening - but I'm in no condition to write atm :(
So depending on how I'm feeling tomorrow (That's code for if my mum thinks I'm well enough to go home!) I'll be heading off mid morning, otherwise I'll be getting my Nano on from my Mum's place tomorrow and head home Tuesday. Thankfully I have a well travelled dog, who is the sort that goes everywhere with me - so he's here loving the house with full air-conditioning, and chasing the cats / birds / anything that moves including the sprinkler in the backyard at my mum's place. (That's code for my mum is spoiling him rotten!)
Speaking of Rotten! That's my cue - I'm out for the evening. I do hope everyone is feeling A LOT better than I am right now. As this nasty is exactly that 'nasty'
That's all I've got
** No snippet today as my file is on my PC at my place. (Sorry Scoman)
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Day Twentyone - Reflection
Not a Nano focused blog today followers. A small mention right at the end.
As I write this I’m waiting for my cousin to arrive to hang out for the evening. Today marks two years since her dad (my uncle) died. We got together this time last year, except we all meet up for morning tea at my parents. This year she’s coming to mine to just hang out and take the time to reflect on what her Dad meant to her, and to the both of us.
For me I lost an Uncle who was tough man, he’d lead a very colourful life, but you always knew that should you be in any trouble he have your back. He’d appear as the muscle in a situation if it required it, and gave me an admiration for tattoos as more than ‘tough stickers’ and items bikers have, but works of art someone has taken the time to create.
I remember my Dad telling him I was gay (My dad wasn’t keen on the news at all) and I recall him (My uncle) being a little taken back, as he simply assumed as most people did that one of the four boys I shared a flat with was my boyfriend! However he was accepting of it, and in a way helped with a situation I faced at the time
But overall my Uncle was a good dad to his three children. He was both their father and their mother, as his wife pissed off with someone else leaving him with three kinds the youngest not even one at the time. But he stepped up or as he would say it ‘manned up’ took on the responsibility of both parents and raised his children to the best of his ability.
My youngest cousin is gay also, and he came out to me quite a while ago now, but asked that I not tell a sole, as he was worried how his dad would react. I tried to let him know that if he was accepting of me, he’d be accepting of him, but his argument was, ‘All men love lesbians, they aren’t as keen on gay men’ (Unfortunately we live in a society that isn’t accepting of anything that isn’t the norm, yet they can’t give a definitive answer as to what is normal!) He did eventually tell his Dad he was gay, about 10 months before he died. I went with him the night he came out, for moral support, and things went fine. My Cousin and my Uncle hugged for quite a long time, there were some tears from both, as my cousins expressed he was afraid to tell him, which made my Uncle emotional telling him to never be afraid to say or tell him anything. It was a nice evening and ended with a lot of alcoholic beverages being consumed!
So as I wait for my Cousin to arrive, I’ve found some old home movies that contain her Dad, and if she’s up for it we’ll watch some of them this evening, if not, then we’ll watch what ever she chooses (A trip to the video store is on the cards) Or we may just spend the evening out the back cooking sausages on the BBQ in the soaring heat, and reflect on the good times, the ones that make us smile and most importantly laugh.
On to totally different topic. I managed to punch put 2K of words today, I’m still ahead by about 400 words for the word limit I should be by day 21. Nine days and counting. I plan on getting past that finish line complete with 50,000 words.
That’s all I’ve got.
** Quickly uploading this while my Cousin is on the phone to her boyfriend saying goodnight to her kids. I didn't get a chance before she arrived at 6pm.
As I write this I’m waiting for my cousin to arrive to hang out for the evening. Today marks two years since her dad (my uncle) died. We got together this time last year, except we all meet up for morning tea at my parents. This year she’s coming to mine to just hang out and take the time to reflect on what her Dad meant to her, and to the both of us.
For me I lost an Uncle who was tough man, he’d lead a very colourful life, but you always knew that should you be in any trouble he have your back. He’d appear as the muscle in a situation if it required it, and gave me an admiration for tattoos as more than ‘tough stickers’ and items bikers have, but works of art someone has taken the time to create.
I remember my Dad telling him I was gay (My dad wasn’t keen on the news at all) and I recall him (My uncle) being a little taken back, as he simply assumed as most people did that one of the four boys I shared a flat with was my boyfriend! However he was accepting of it, and in a way helped with a situation I faced at the time
But overall my Uncle was a good dad to his three children. He was both their father and their mother, as his wife pissed off with someone else leaving him with three kinds the youngest not even one at the time. But he stepped up or as he would say it ‘manned up’ took on the responsibility of both parents and raised his children to the best of his ability.
My youngest cousin is gay also, and he came out to me quite a while ago now, but asked that I not tell a sole, as he was worried how his dad would react. I tried to let him know that if he was accepting of me, he’d be accepting of him, but his argument was, ‘All men love lesbians, they aren’t as keen on gay men’ (Unfortunately we live in a society that isn’t accepting of anything that isn’t the norm, yet they can’t give a definitive answer as to what is normal!) He did eventually tell his Dad he was gay, about 10 months before he died. I went with him the night he came out, for moral support, and things went fine. My Cousin and my Uncle hugged for quite a long time, there were some tears from both, as my cousins expressed he was afraid to tell him, which made my Uncle emotional telling him to never be afraid to say or tell him anything. It was a nice evening and ended with a lot of alcoholic beverages being consumed!
So as I wait for my Cousin to arrive, I’ve found some old home movies that contain her Dad, and if she’s up for it we’ll watch some of them this evening, if not, then we’ll watch what ever she chooses (A trip to the video store is on the cards) Or we may just spend the evening out the back cooking sausages on the BBQ in the soaring heat, and reflect on the good times, the ones that make us smile and most importantly laugh.
On to totally different topic. I managed to punch put 2K of words today, I’m still ahead by about 400 words for the word limit I should be by day 21. Nine days and counting. I plan on getting past that finish line complete with 50,000 words.
That’s all I’ve got.
** Quickly uploading this while my Cousin is on the phone to her boyfriend saying goodnight to her kids. I didn't get a chance before she arrived at 6pm.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Day Twenty - Wet and not in a nice way!

As the sweat runs off me in this chair - I'm wet and not in a good way. Good way being - well do I need to spell it out!! Clearly from WALKING in the rain!!! (You filthy readers who thought of something sexual! Shame on you it's way too hot for that kinda action!) Anyway I'm typing at record fast speed hoping for not too many typos as I can't be arsed checking them (That's code for it's too bloody hot to care!) So I'll give a super quick lightning fast update.
Today was hot (See picture above) and it's still is quite hot, though not 41c as it was at 3pm when I took that photo!
I've written 1,059 words today, giving me a total of 34,402 words which is 402 ahead of day twenty target of 34,000 words exactly.
I did manage to go grocery shopping, and bought some Jelly.. MMmmmm Jelly. I was never aware that Aeroplane Jelly put out so many flavours. I walked out the door with six different flavours. I have a lemon and lime one setting in the fridge overnight. As I personally believe on a hot day jelly and ice-cream counts as a part of a balanced meal :P (In my world it does!) Though I need to watch what I'm sticking in my head, as I was at my mum's the other day and got on the Wii fit I've put on weight since I last wii'ed (Is Wii-ed a word?) I'm sure you know what I mean. Though my argument is muscle weighs more :P
Anyway... Life is here to be lived, and if that means I eat white chocolate tim-tams with my cup of tea then so be it, at least I can say I died happy :P Have any of you tried the new white chocolate tim-tams - they are extremely sweet, but Oh so nice!
Anyway I digress.... It's hot, I didn't make the 1,700 word limit I'm suppose to for the day but I'm still ahead by 402 words - so that's a bonus and an early mark from the heat. I AM picking up my laptop tomorrow. So I'll be able to write in the air-con comfort, as with nine days left of NanoWriMo I'd best put the excuses on the shelf and start punching out words!
That's all I've got.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Day Nineteen - After a slow start
I started this morning with some distractions, 400 words in I went to the post office to collect this massive thing my brother had sent to my address for our parents for x-mas.
The trip to the PO however turned out well. I walked up the ramp to the post office and seen what I thought was rubbish. It was a book of stamps that I simply assumed someone had used and just dropped instead of putting it in the bin. So I picked it up and Woohoo a full book of 10 x 55c stamps. I then proceeded to go tothe parcel collection part, where I held open the door for a lady who was coming out with her hands full (Good Karma points there). I then collected the aforementioned parcel, and was going to post a package to a friend of mine in QLD - the line inside was epic. So I went outside, put four stamps on the parcel (I probably over compensated - but Meh they were free stamps!) and posted her parcel.
I retuned home, cooked up some Marinated chicken (Master food Portuguese marinade)It was HOT like burning your mouth to the fuck hot! But not green thai curry hot! If you like spicy food with a nice citrus tang I can higly recommend it. Anyway I ate the chicken with some steamed vegies and thought -
Need to Write....
The temperature at this stage hit 39c and well I couldn't be arsed sitting in the heat writing (No I've still not picked up my laptop!) So I watched a movie in the air-con instead. This afternoon however I've been much more productive - I made a salad roll for dinner. I've spoken to my nephew on the phone, Chatted to Scoman and various others over Twitter and I've written a total of 2,317 words so I've increased my word count by 1,900 words.
I was a little worried I maybe repeating myself - I sought advice from the great Scoman and he offered sound advice (Thanks Scoman) and so consequently I've checked over what I've written in the past few days. I don't think I've really gone in circles that I originally thought I had, and I'm forging on with another twist for Heath and Zoey.
I'll leave you with a snippet:
‘I’ve got the plans you want, anything else?’
‘Can you see who that arse was on the corner of junction 533, the one who ran out at us’
‘Yeah, how do I do that?’
Zoey jumped up and was at Heaths side in the time it took him to blink, she took a look at his screen and got him to input a search for....
That's all I've got.
The trip to the PO however turned out well. I walked up the ramp to the post office and seen what I thought was rubbish. It was a book of stamps that I simply assumed someone had used and just dropped instead of putting it in the bin. So I picked it up and Woohoo a full book of 10 x 55c stamps. I then proceeded to go tothe parcel collection part, where I held open the door for a lady who was coming out with her hands full (Good Karma points there). I then collected the aforementioned parcel, and was going to post a package to a friend of mine in QLD - the line inside was epic. So I went outside, put four stamps on the parcel (I probably over compensated - but Meh they were free stamps!) and posted her parcel.
I retuned home, cooked up some Marinated chicken (Master food Portuguese marinade)It was HOT like burning your mouth to the fuck hot! But not green thai curry hot! If you like spicy food with a nice citrus tang I can higly recommend it. Anyway I ate the chicken with some steamed vegies and thought -
Need to Write....
The temperature at this stage hit 39c and well I couldn't be arsed sitting in the heat writing (No I've still not picked up my laptop!) So I watched a movie in the air-con instead. This afternoon however I've been much more productive - I made a salad roll for dinner. I've spoken to my nephew on the phone, Chatted to Scoman and various others over Twitter and I've written a total of 2,317 words so I've increased my word count by 1,900 words.
I was a little worried I maybe repeating myself - I sought advice from the great Scoman and he offered sound advice (Thanks Scoman) and so consequently I've checked over what I've written in the past few days. I don't think I've really gone in circles that I originally thought I had, and I'm forging on with another twist for Heath and Zoey.
I'll leave you with a snippet:
‘I’ve got the plans you want, anything else?’
‘Can you see who that arse was on the corner of junction 533, the one who ran out at us’
‘Yeah, how do I do that?’
Zoey jumped up and was at Heaths side in the time it took him to blink, she took a look at his screen and got him to input a search for....
That's all I've got.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Day Eighteen: Back on track
I'm back on board with Nano. Thank you all for your support :) I appreachite it more than I can express in words on here.
I wrote 2,575 words today, and I've got a total word count of 31,110 which is 500+ words over where I should be by day 18.
I've nothing to report, other than it's a lot cooler here today thankfully. I still haven't picked up my laptop, it's on the list of things to do tomorrow, along with dinner with my friend.
So here's a snippet.
As they passed the corner junction of 533, out of one of the houses ran a guy full pelt from his ship, leaping over the broken fence and charging at them. Zoey accelerated and swerved to her left evading the guy, he chased after them, but was wasting his time; he couldn’t keep up with a H11723 ENV Motorcycle.
‘Are you alright?’ Zoey could hear Heaths breathing increase.
‘What did he want?’
‘Us!, He wanted to rob us, they might not be able to steal this bike to ride it but they can soon strip it for the parts.’
That's all I've got.
I wrote 2,575 words today, and I've got a total word count of 31,110 which is 500+ words over where I should be by day 18.
I've nothing to report, other than it's a lot cooler here today thankfully. I still haven't picked up my laptop, it's on the list of things to do tomorrow, along with dinner with my friend.
So here's a snippet.
As they passed the corner junction of 533, out of one of the houses ran a guy full pelt from his ship, leaping over the broken fence and charging at them. Zoey accelerated and swerved to her left evading the guy, he chased after them, but was wasting his time; he couldn’t keep up with a H11723 ENV Motorcycle.
‘Are you alright?’ Zoey could hear Heaths breathing increase.
‘What did he want?’
‘Us!, He wanted to rob us, they might not be able to steal this bike to ride it but they can soon strip it for the parts.’
That's all I've got.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Day Seventeen - I have nothing :(
Nothing to report today I'm sorry. I've written nothing for NanoWriMo today. I'm not 100% sure just why right now, I'm in a bit of a dark place I think, and I'm balancing on the edge of this sadness that I'm feeling right now engulfing me. I can't even explain why I feel this way. Depression is a fucker.
I spent today in my room (It has air-con) I read, watched TV (Dr Who) and slept. I got up to let the dog out to pee several time, and that was pretty much it.
I was suppose to go and collect my laptop this evening, but the mother of all storms was approaching, when I called my friend who currently has my laptop to ask if it was raining where he was, he said it's 'fucking hailing!' Hail and cars don't mix so well. So I'll head over to his place early tomorrow morning and pick it up.
A friend called me today to ask me if I've like to go to the midnight screening of New Moon. I think my laughter offended her some what! I asked her if she had tickets, her answer was 'no not yet' to my response I don't like your chances then as I'm sure it's sold out. I suggested she call the cinema and ask, she did then called me back to say it was sold out solid for the next 14 day! We're getting together for dinner anyway, so it will be nice to catch up with her, as I've not seen her in ages. I'm not a fan of new moon enough to part with my money to sit in a cinema of screaming teenage girls. I explained this to her on her return call to me, as an apology for literally laughing down the phone at her! She agreed that it probably wasn't a good thing to go opening night (Or in this case the first fortnight!) But I told her I'd see about going with her when all the hype cleared out.
So with nothing to report on my word count today, and being an overall bag of fucking misery... I'll head back to the comfort of my air-conditioned room. Watch some DVD's and call it a night.
I'll be right tomorrow.... I'll have time to bitch slap my self out of this hole and get back on track....
Until then, thanks for sticking with me.
That's all I've got.
I spent today in my room (It has air-con) I read, watched TV (Dr Who) and slept. I got up to let the dog out to pee several time, and that was pretty much it.
I was suppose to go and collect my laptop this evening, but the mother of all storms was approaching, when I called my friend who currently has my laptop to ask if it was raining where he was, he said it's 'fucking hailing!' Hail and cars don't mix so well. So I'll head over to his place early tomorrow morning and pick it up.
A friend called me today to ask me if I've like to go to the midnight screening of New Moon. I think my laughter offended her some what! I asked her if she had tickets, her answer was 'no not yet' to my response I don't like your chances then as I'm sure it's sold out. I suggested she call the cinema and ask, she did then called me back to say it was sold out solid for the next 14 day! We're getting together for dinner anyway, so it will be nice to catch up with her, as I've not seen her in ages. I'm not a fan of new moon enough to part with my money to sit in a cinema of screaming teenage girls. I explained this to her on her return call to me, as an apology for literally laughing down the phone at her! She agreed that it probably wasn't a good thing to go opening night (Or in this case the first fortnight!) But I told her I'd see about going with her when all the hype cleared out.
So with nothing to report on my word count today, and being an overall bag of fucking misery... I'll head back to the comfort of my air-conditioned room. Watch some DVD's and call it a night.
I'll be right tomorrow.... I'll have time to bitch slap my self out of this hole and get back on track....
Until then, thanks for sticking with me.
That's all I've got.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Day Sixteen - If the bloody internet would work I could post this!
It’s hot – like super bloody hot, like sweating in your own bloody sweat hot – it’s 7pm in the evening and still bloody 37c THIRTY SEVEN it’s only November – I feel for those poor people in South Australia that’s had this heat for a week. One day I've had it and I’m already bitching…. I’m off to collect my laptop tomorrow night so I can sit and write NanoWroMo in the comfort of the air-conditioning in my bedroom.
I’m looking at breaking into the PS3 cash stash for air-con in the lounge room, they have a kelvinator split system on special atm installed for $800 that’s like beyond cheap… So I’ll make my decision in the next few days. PS3 or Air-con in the lounge room.
I got just over 2,000 done today. (By just over 2,000 I literally mean 2,004!) But I’m sweltering here even as I type this. So it’s ice-cream and DVD’s in the comfort of my bedroom this evening, that’s after I watch FlashForward. So I can be a good Flash Forward buddy to Scoman!
I’ll stop typing, upload this and go get my ice-cream on!
Here is today’s snippet.
Zoey pulled the door ajar wide enough to allow herself and Heath to slip into the gap, the movement sensors made the lights inside come on, and there amongst equipment that had belonged to her Dad such as vests, helmets, gloves, and clothing, primarily boots, some of which were still in their boxes. Was a H11723 ENV Motorcycle.
‘Holy shit! You have an ENV Motorcycle?’
‘No my dad had one, but I guess it’s mine now.’
Heath went over to get a closer look. ‘Can I touch it?’
Zoey laughed. ‘Of course you can, you’re going to be on the back of it shortly!’
‘Really, you’re going to take me on a ride on this thing?’ Heaths eyes wide with excitement
That’s all I’ve got.
Actually it's not all I've got - I've just had to load three different fucking browsers to get this page to load and I've been reduced to using IE FFS! People might shit on Internet Explorer but fuck me it's the ONLY browser I have loaded on this PC that's bloody working right now!
Now...... THAT IS all I've got!
I’m looking at breaking into the PS3 cash stash for air-con in the lounge room, they have a kelvinator split system on special atm installed for $800 that’s like beyond cheap… So I’ll make my decision in the next few days. PS3 or Air-con in the lounge room.
I got just over 2,000 done today. (By just over 2,000 I literally mean 2,004!) But I’m sweltering here even as I type this. So it’s ice-cream and DVD’s in the comfort of my bedroom this evening, that’s after I watch FlashForward. So I can be a good Flash Forward buddy to Scoman!
I’ll stop typing, upload this and go get my ice-cream on!
Here is today’s snippet.
Zoey pulled the door ajar wide enough to allow herself and Heath to slip into the gap, the movement sensors made the lights inside come on, and there amongst equipment that had belonged to her Dad such as vests, helmets, gloves, and clothing, primarily boots, some of which were still in their boxes. Was a H11723 ENV Motorcycle.
‘Holy shit! You have an ENV Motorcycle?’
‘No my dad had one, but I guess it’s mine now.’
Heath went over to get a closer look. ‘Can I touch it?’
Zoey laughed. ‘Of course you can, you’re going to be on the back of it shortly!’
‘Really, you’re going to take me on a ride on this thing?’ Heaths eyes wide with excitement
That’s all I’ve got.
Actually it's not all I've got - I've just had to load three different fucking browsers to get this page to load and I've been reduced to using IE FFS! People might shit on Internet Explorer but fuck me it's the ONLY browser I have loaded on this PC that's bloody working right now!
Now...... THAT IS all I've got!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Day Fifteen - The Half Way Point
Day fifteen of thirty and my official word count as of the NanoWriMo website is sitting currently at 26,634 I'm happy with that.
I'm writing this blog entry at about 6:30pm EST as I plan to have the evening off. I just need a bit of Sal time. Time to watch the crazy shit they put on TV of a Sunday night, eat pasta, drink coke and do nothing. Literally nothing!
Life in general is going alright. I'm happy with the progress I have made with my Nano - I'm ahead atm by 1,135 words. It's nice to be ahead. I'm also about to print out a hard copy of the first 15 days. From the outset I thought. Right I'll print it out at 25,000 words which is the halfway point. This will give me a chance to have a read of it, regroup and forge ahead. I've reached both both 25,000 words and ahead by day 15. So I'm feeling good about hitting the print button on my manuscript. I'll leave you once again with a snippet from today's writing.
Heath walked over to the large robot that looked like a very strong man.
‘So what you just hit it? Kinda like a boxing bag?’
‘No, it’s designed to be a training partner, it will attack you, and know when to back off, should you not be responding correctly, or consequently if to tell it to stop! One of these days I think this will replace the soldiers on the front line, but I doubt I’ll ever see it.’
‘Can I have a go?’
That's all I've got.
I'm writing this blog entry at about 6:30pm EST as I plan to have the evening off. I just need a bit of Sal time. Time to watch the crazy shit they put on TV of a Sunday night, eat pasta, drink coke and do nothing. Literally nothing!
Life in general is going alright. I'm happy with the progress I have made with my Nano - I'm ahead atm by 1,135 words. It's nice to be ahead. I'm also about to print out a hard copy of the first 15 days. From the outset I thought. Right I'll print it out at 25,000 words which is the halfway point. This will give me a chance to have a read of it, regroup and forge ahead. I've reached both both 25,000 words and ahead by day 15. So I'm feeling good about hitting the print button on my manuscript. I'll leave you once again with a snippet from today's writing.
Heath walked over to the large robot that looked like a very strong man.
‘So what you just hit it? Kinda like a boxing bag?’
‘No, it’s designed to be a training partner, it will attack you, and know when to back off, should you not be responding correctly, or consequently if to tell it to stop! One of these days I think this will replace the soldiers on the front line, but I doubt I’ll ever see it.’
‘Can I have a go?’
That's all I've got.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Day Fourteen - My arse has gone numb
My arse has gone numb from sitting in this chair re-reading over what I wrote today, and playing with it. I know you're not suppose to, but when your fingers can't keep up with the thoughts coming out of your head, you get typos like this:
Shopping, when the word I wanted was Suppose. I know I'm special!
I got home from my parents about 1:30pm today, and just went for a solid writing session to catch up, and mainly to get all the ideas I'd jotted down in my little notebook the previous day out of dot points and into actual prose.
So here is a snippet from today. I will leave you with that, and remove myself from this chair as now my arse is aching. It's pushed past the numb barrier, and into the pins and needles!!!!
Zoey got up and went to the utility cupboard, opened it and searched the shelves for what she was looking for.
‘I’m sure I seen one in here the other day.’ Speaking aloud to herself as per usual, she was a little startled when Heath answered her back.
‘Wow, you have a lot of stuff in here.’
Zoey smiled, ‘yeah, it all comes in handy from time to time.’ She reached into the far back corner of the second bottom shelf. ‘This is it’ pulling out a small yellow bulb like object. She showed it to heath.
That's all I've got.
** The little ticker thing isn't updating, but the total word count is currently just over 24,000 words on the official counter from the NanoWriMo site.
Shopping, when the word I wanted was Suppose. I know I'm special!
I got home from my parents about 1:30pm today, and just went for a solid writing session to catch up, and mainly to get all the ideas I'd jotted down in my little notebook the previous day out of dot points and into actual prose.
So here is a snippet from today. I will leave you with that, and remove myself from this chair as now my arse is aching. It's pushed past the numb barrier, and into the pins and needles!!!!
Zoey got up and went to the utility cupboard, opened it and searched the shelves for what she was looking for.
‘I’m sure I seen one in here the other day.’ Speaking aloud to herself as per usual, she was a little startled when Heath answered her back.
‘Wow, you have a lot of stuff in here.’
Zoey smiled, ‘yeah, it all comes in handy from time to time.’ She reached into the far back corner of the second bottom shelf. ‘This is it’ pulling out a small yellow bulb like object. She showed it to heath.
That's all I've got.
** The little ticker thing isn't updating, but the total word count is currently just over 24,000 words on the official counter from the NanoWriMo site.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Day 13 - Ipod Touch Update
I'm writing this on my ipod touch while leeching the net from the neighbours at my parents. I'm having a 'sleep over' with almost four nephew. (He's asleep in the bed beside me right now, and is quite adorable!)
Consequently the word count for today is sitting at 768 (I think from memory) I wrote this morning before heading to my parents to spend time with my brother and his family and where I'm now staying the night. (Good thing I bought the dog!!)
I'm back home tomorrow, so I'll write more then. In the mean time I've made a heap of notes on where I will go tomorrow and I hope to punch out another effort of at least 4,000+
Until then.
That's all I've got.
Consequently the word count for today is sitting at 768 (I think from memory) I wrote this morning before heading to my parents to spend time with my brother and his family and where I'm now staying the night. (Good thing I bought the dog!!)
I'm back home tomorrow, so I'll write more then. In the mean time I've made a heap of notes on where I will go tomorrow and I hope to punch out another effort of at least 4,000+
Until then.
That's all I've got.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Day Twelve - Donuts saved the day
After yesterdays effort for NanoWriMo and my family home I haven’t written anything today. As today was Astroboy day.
I can’t really bein to explain just how heart broken almost four nephew was when it was discovered that NO cinema’s in this area or an hours drive away were showing Astroboy anymore :( He was upset by it as you’d expect.
So we went with next best thing. Ben 10 on DVD at my parent’s place, who have a bloody HUGE TV screen. After finding out there was no screening of Astro boy in any of the cinemas in the area I live. I asked almost four nephew on the phone, what he’s like to do instead of watching Astro and his answer was quick and clear – Ben 10. So I called into Big W on my way to my parents, searched the isles of the DVD department and found Ben 10 on DVD. I brought three of them. (The were $10 each) and headed to my parents, stopping on the way at the Donut shop, collecting Twelve iced donuts and some strawberry milk. Then settled in for a day of Ben 10 on the ‘almost kinda big TV’, which thankfully was a suitable alternative. (Just quietly I think it was the iced donuts that won him over!) Consequently I held onto the Atroboy toy. I’ll give it to him for x-mas I think. He was already upset about not being able to see Astro, so turning up with a toy from the movie wasn’t a smart movie in my opinion.
I have just got home from being at my parents all day. I’ll head back there tomorrow for lunch, and educate both my nephews with ‘Count Duckula’ on Friday the 13th
With no progression in the word count for today.
That’s all I’ve got.
I can’t really bein to explain just how heart broken almost four nephew was when it was discovered that NO cinema’s in this area or an hours drive away were showing Astroboy anymore :( He was upset by it as you’d expect.
So we went with next best thing. Ben 10 on DVD at my parent’s place, who have a bloody HUGE TV screen. After finding out there was no screening of Astro boy in any of the cinemas in the area I live. I asked almost four nephew on the phone, what he’s like to do instead of watching Astro and his answer was quick and clear – Ben 10. So I called into Big W on my way to my parents, searched the isles of the DVD department and found Ben 10 on DVD. I brought three of them. (The were $10 each) and headed to my parents, stopping on the way at the Donut shop, collecting Twelve iced donuts and some strawberry milk. Then settled in for a day of Ben 10 on the ‘almost kinda big TV’, which thankfully was a suitable alternative. (Just quietly I think it was the iced donuts that won him over!) Consequently I held onto the Atroboy toy. I’ll give it to him for x-mas I think. He was already upset about not being able to see Astro, so turning up with a toy from the movie wasn’t a smart movie in my opinion.
I have just got home from being at my parents all day. I’ll head back there tomorrow for lunch, and educate both my nephews with ‘Count Duckula’ on Friday the 13th
With no progression in the word count for today.
That’s all I’ve got.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Day Eleven - I'm off and racing!
4,696 word for today – Yes blog readers that’s Four Thousand, Six Hundred and Ninety Six words! How RAD is that! Woohoo therefore would be an understatement.
With that mammoth effort today, this blog is going to be super short. Today as you can see was very productive, after getting ZERO done yesterday. (I’m thinking over 4,500 words kinda makes up for that!) I’m off and racing once again.
Tomorrow is ‘Astro on the BIG TV’ I’ll let you know what I thought of it, and how the day in general went in tomorrows blog. But for now – here’s a snippet from today:
‘How long can you hold your breath underwater Heath?’
Heath thought that was quite an odd question after what he’d just unloaded onto Zoey.
‘Err about 2 minutes I think, why?’
Zoey smiled. ‘Nothing I’m just teasing you, you just unloaded all that info on me, in one breath! That’s quite impressive!’
That’s all I’ve got.
** The little word ticker thing isn't refreshing atm - The total word count so far is now sitting on 20,004
With that mammoth effort today, this blog is going to be super short. Today as you can see was very productive, after getting ZERO done yesterday. (I’m thinking over 4,500 words kinda makes up for that!) I’m off and racing once again.
Tomorrow is ‘Astro on the BIG TV’ I’ll let you know what I thought of it, and how the day in general went in tomorrows blog. But for now – here’s a snippet from today:
‘How long can you hold your breath underwater Heath?’
Heath thought that was quite an odd question after what he’d just unloaded onto Zoey.
‘Err about 2 minutes I think, why?’
Zoey smiled. ‘Nothing I’m just teasing you, you just unloaded all that info on me, in one breath! That’s quite impressive!’
That’s all I’ve got.
** The little word ticker thing isn't refreshing atm - The total word count so far is now sitting on 20,004
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Day Ten: -------------------------
Word count = 0 Zero, zip, nadda, nothing, not a word onto the page / screen for today.
The reason for this is I’ve been out all day with various appointments (I actually thought they were next Tuesday but anyway). So my day has been taken up with poking and prodding from various people and ‘those in the know!’ In my time between appointments / waiting for results etc. I shopped for x-mas presents for my family. I also came across the massive amount of Astro boy merchandise released in conjunction with the movie. I bought my ‘almost four’ nephew a little action figure so he can have something to play with while I attempt to keep him entertained on the car ride to the ‘Big TV’ aka the cinema, and I bought my other little nephew a stuffed thing from that secret garden show he’s apparently right into the blue monster thing. (It’s fucking disturbing if you ask me!) I’ll break him into the good wholesome shows like Gumby don’t you worry!!!
Other than that, it was an exhausting day of various doctors, and other ‘shit’ and the conclusions is they still have no answers for me re my migraine issues. The advice they are giving me atm is to ‘increase’ the preventer medication…. Well fuck me sideways! I paid how much to hear something that I fucking worked out myself?!? Anyway… I’ll do as they suggest and talk to my brother about it when he gets here tomorrow. (My brothers a Doctor for those who don’t know) and see what his thoughts are on it all. I hate asking him medical stuff (For the record I rarely do, he however asks me to fix his computer all the time, so I guess the odd free medical advice makes up for it!!) The reason I don’t like to ask my brother for medical advice is well to me he’s just my brother, whilst he is a doctor, when I look at him, and speak with him he’s just my brother. If that makes sense.
So with ZERO on the word count. I have the following to achieve tomorrow before 3pm when my family arrives. Punch out a minimum of 2,500 words. No excuses, that’s just how it has to be.
That’s all I’ve got.
The reason for this is I’ve been out all day with various appointments (I actually thought they were next Tuesday but anyway). So my day has been taken up with poking and prodding from various people and ‘those in the know!’ In my time between appointments / waiting for results etc. I shopped for x-mas presents for my family. I also came across the massive amount of Astro boy merchandise released in conjunction with the movie. I bought my ‘almost four’ nephew a little action figure so he can have something to play with while I attempt to keep him entertained on the car ride to the ‘Big TV’ aka the cinema, and I bought my other little nephew a stuffed thing from that secret garden show he’s apparently right into the blue monster thing. (It’s fucking disturbing if you ask me!) I’ll break him into the good wholesome shows like Gumby don’t you worry!!!
Other than that, it was an exhausting day of various doctors, and other ‘shit’ and the conclusions is they still have no answers for me re my migraine issues. The advice they are giving me atm is to ‘increase’ the preventer medication…. Well fuck me sideways! I paid how much to hear something that I fucking worked out myself?!? Anyway… I’ll do as they suggest and talk to my brother about it when he gets here tomorrow. (My brothers a Doctor for those who don’t know) and see what his thoughts are on it all. I hate asking him medical stuff (For the record I rarely do, he however asks me to fix his computer all the time, so I guess the odd free medical advice makes up for it!!) The reason I don’t like to ask my brother for medical advice is well to me he’s just my brother, whilst he is a doctor, when I look at him, and speak with him he’s just my brother. If that makes sense.
So with ZERO on the word count. I have the following to achieve tomorrow before 3pm when my family arrives. Punch out a minimum of 2,500 words. No excuses, that’s just how it has to be.
That’s all I’ve got.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Day Nine: 2000 word limit achieved
So I stopped procrastinating, and punched out over 2,000 words today. I’m happier today with what I wrote than yesterday. Today I just fell into the grove of the character, and made her come alive on the page. This was aided by the council cutting down trees out on the front street at 8am! A bloody chainsaw going off at 8am! So I had some time to plan and think about the direction I was going to take her today while they made a massive noise out on the front street. They (The tree cutters) had wrapped up by 10:30am.
With a hot cup of tea, I knuckled down and just wrote, stopping for some lunch before heading back in and punching out about another 200 words. Calling it a day @ 2,356 words. I’m technically on even par according to the official Nano site’s little ‘graph’ on where I am and where I should be, by day nine. Though my math states that as of day nine @ 1,700 words per day that equates to a total of 15,300 and my current total is 14,963 – so 364 words short is well a bee’s dick in reality.
So here is a snippet from today’s writing.
Zoey took a deep breath, and snapped the splitter onto the frequency of the LED panel. She opened her eyes, and breathed a sigh of relief, it worked, and hadn’t tripped the alarm.
I'm off to bed as my uterus is currently falling out (Females will understand - and Scoman who got a delightful explanation on twitter!) Tomorrow I’ve got some appointments to go to, but will be ploughing ahead in time for my Astroyboy date on Thursday.
That’s all I’ve got.
With a hot cup of tea, I knuckled down and just wrote, stopping for some lunch before heading back in and punching out about another 200 words. Calling it a day @ 2,356 words. I’m technically on even par according to the official Nano site’s little ‘graph’ on where I am and where I should be, by day nine. Though my math states that as of day nine @ 1,700 words per day that equates to a total of 15,300 and my current total is 14,963 – so 364 words short is well a bee’s dick in reality.
So here is a snippet from today’s writing.
Zoey took a deep breath, and snapped the splitter onto the frequency of the LED panel. She opened her eyes, and breathed a sigh of relief, it worked, and hadn’t tripped the alarm.
I'm off to bed as my uterus is currently falling out (Females will understand - and Scoman who got a delightful explanation on twitter!) Tomorrow I’ve got some appointments to go to, but will be ploughing ahead in time for my Astroyboy date on Thursday.
That’s all I’ve got.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Day Eight: Super Quick
I only wrote 1,557 words today. I've kinda lost the vibe. They say that would happen by day eight, and well I think mine kinda kicked in yesterday. But I'm still plugging along. I know where the story will lead to next, and what will happen after that event etc. So it's not like I'm at a point of 'what should I write now!' which is good!
I spoke on the phone to my 'I'm almost four' nephew this afternoon, he will be here on Wednesday, and has requested we go see Astro on Thursday please! I said that would be 'totally cool' (I'm educating him in the excellent descriptive words of the English language! we have 'Rad' down) So I've got a date with a beautiful boy on Thursday to see Astro on the big TV :)
That is reason enough to bitch slap myself in the face and sort my shit out to get back on track for this 50,000 word novel before then!
So tomorrow it's WORK... Writing writing writing, no excuses... I've got to get ahead, because on Thursday I'm going to see Astro boy!!
No snippet today, as the writing was a bit shit house in my opinion!
That's all I've got.
I spoke on the phone to my 'I'm almost four' nephew this afternoon, he will be here on Wednesday, and has requested we go see Astro on Thursday please! I said that would be 'totally cool' (I'm educating him in the excellent descriptive words of the English language! we have 'Rad' down) So I've got a date with a beautiful boy on Thursday to see Astro on the big TV :)
That is reason enough to bitch slap myself in the face and sort my shit out to get back on track for this 50,000 word novel before then!
So tomorrow it's WORK... Writing writing writing, no excuses... I've got to get ahead, because on Thursday I'm going to see Astro boy!!
No snippet today, as the writing was a bit shit house in my opinion!
That's all I've got.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Day Seven: Part Two Quick Snippet
Just thought I'd throw a snippet in from today's writing. - Final word count in total is 11,019
The following is a piece of the conversation with Heath (The male lead) and his Grandmother.
‘It’s ok, because out of no where this girl came and saved me.’
‘Oh really? Who was this girl?’
‘You’ll never guess.’
‘I doubt I will, so just tell me, sweetheart.’ she was short, but meant well.
‘Zoey River, Gran! Zoey River saved my life!’
'Sergeant Rivers daughter?’
'Yes Gran, Sergeant Rivers daughter. She just appeared out of nowhere, and totally annihilated James and his boys, well she scared his gang off, but she totally kicked James’s arse.’
‘Butt sweetheart, or behind’
‘Sorry Gran, she totally kicked James’s butt, really taught him a lesson, he won’t be worrying me ever again.’
So my protagonists name is Zoey River. Her father's a sergeant in the military, and she's kicking 'arse' I mean butt!
That's all I've got.
The following is a piece of the conversation with Heath (The male lead) and his Grandmother.
‘It’s ok, because out of no where this girl came and saved me.’
‘Oh really? Who was this girl?’
‘You’ll never guess.’
‘I doubt I will, so just tell me, sweetheart.’ she was short, but meant well.
‘Zoey River, Gran! Zoey River saved my life!’
'Sergeant Rivers daughter?’
'Yes Gran, Sergeant Rivers daughter. She just appeared out of nowhere, and totally annihilated James and his boys, well she scared his gang off, but she totally kicked James’s arse.’
‘Butt sweetheart, or behind’
‘Sorry Gran, she totally kicked James’s butt, really taught him a lesson, he won’t be worrying me ever again.’
So my protagonists name is Zoey River. Her father's a sergeant in the military, and she's kicking 'arse' I mean butt!
That's all I've got.
Day Seven: A word count and an award.
I got a lot of writing done today, however it encroached on my word count. I edited it. I know we’re just suppose to ‘write’ but when I re-read over the previous days work to re gather a feel for it. I can’t help but edit. I did manage to write 1,270 words today, and I’m currently ‘writing’ atm. So the count will increase, before the days out.
In other news a fellow blogger named Wendy (Quillfeather) has shown the love and given me an award How Rad is that! It’s called The Honest Scrap Blogger Award’. I’m really chuffed as it’s my first award *ever* So thank-you Wendy :)

Here are the rules of the award:
1. 'The Honest Scrap Blogger Award' must be shared.
2. The recipient has to tell 10 (true) things about themselves that no one else knows.
3. The recipient has to pass along the award to 10 more bloggers.
4. Those 10 bloggers should link back to the blog that awarded them.
So here are ten things I’m quietly confident you don’t know about me.
1) I’m allergic to corn (That includes Maize!)
2) I’ve a fear of the dark – I don’t like it when I can’t see!
3) I can’t go a day without a cup of tea (White with one)
4) People who can’t use an indicator on their car shit me.
5) My favourite fruit are strawberries.
6) I broke my hand when I was thirteen, from fighting, not from an ‘accident’
7) I’m in super like with a girl on the other side of the world. But she’s not gay
8) All rapists and paedophiles should be castrated.
9) I adore black and white photography.
10) I’m too afraid to put my work forward to ever get published.
As I have only 12 people who follow me. With Wendy giving me the award (See above or in my sidebar for linkage to her blog) That leaves eleven. So I’m going all out and offering my loyal readers this award.
To you cool, hip and happening bloggers in this list who have more then twelve followers, your task to narrow down ten, maybe difficult. I however have taken the easy I mean generous way out, as I think if you’re following me, you’re either a) A stalker or b) Super cool! I’ll go with the latter :P
The following blogs are cool, because they follow me. Therefore they have been passed on this award. Go check them out and tell them ‘Just Sal’ sent you :P
“Hillbilly Duhn”
“C.J. Koster”
"Sharp Finale"
"Cate Pearce"
This list is in no order - because they are all equally cool :P
I'll attempt to update the wordcount later if I remember. In the mean time I've tried to install a little 'ticker' with the official word count from NanoWriMo site. (it's suppose to update itself - we'll wait and see!) It's currently sitting on just over 10,000 words atm. However today's limit should be 11,000+ so I need to put my head down, and my arse up and start typing.
That's all I've got.
In other news a fellow blogger named Wendy (Quillfeather) has shown the love and given me an award How Rad is that! It’s called The Honest Scrap Blogger Award’. I’m really chuffed as it’s my first award *ever* So thank-you Wendy :)

Here are the rules of the award:
1. 'The Honest Scrap Blogger Award' must be shared.
2. The recipient has to tell 10 (true) things about themselves that no one else knows.
3. The recipient has to pass along the award to 10 more bloggers.
4. Those 10 bloggers should link back to the blog that awarded them.
So here are ten things I’m quietly confident you don’t know about me.
1) I’m allergic to corn (That includes Maize!)
2) I’ve a fear of the dark – I don’t like it when I can’t see!
3) I can’t go a day without a cup of tea (White with one)
4) People who can’t use an indicator on their car shit me.
5) My favourite fruit are strawberries.
6) I broke my hand when I was thirteen, from fighting, not from an ‘accident’
7) I’m in super like with a girl on the other side of the world. But she’s not gay
8) All rapists and paedophiles should be castrated.
9) I adore black and white photography.
10) I’m too afraid to put my work forward to ever get published.
As I have only 12 people who follow me. With Wendy giving me the award (See above or in my sidebar for linkage to her blog) That leaves eleven. So I’m going all out and offering my loyal readers this award.
To you cool, hip and happening bloggers in this list who have more then twelve followers, your task to narrow down ten, maybe difficult. I however have taken the easy I mean generous way out, as I think if you’re following me, you’re either a) A stalker or b) Super cool! I’ll go with the latter :P
The following blogs are cool, because they follow me. Therefore they have been passed on this award. Go check them out and tell them ‘Just Sal’ sent you :P
“Hillbilly Duhn”
“C.J. Koster”
"Sharp Finale"
"Cate Pearce"
This list is in no order - because they are all equally cool :P
I'll attempt to update the wordcount later if I remember. In the mean time I've tried to install a little 'ticker' with the official word count from NanoWriMo site. (it's suppose to update itself - we'll wait and see!) It's currently sitting on just over 10,000 words atm. However today's limit should be 11,000+ so I need to put my head down, and my arse up and start typing.
That's all I've got.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Day Six - Slack arse!
I wrote 200 words today! Just call me a slack arse!
I just wasn't in the writing place. I did 'try' but I just fiddled with the words I'd already written. Then my afternoon was out. I had lunch with some friends, had a bit of a shop, purchased the new Transformers DVD from Big W (It was the lowest price!) and then went over to my mum's to help her with the new computer she just bought. She ordered it Tuesday, they had it built and ready for her to collect today. So I went over and helped her set it up when she got home. (This also consisted of dinner being cooked. Lasagne that was just superb! Plus I got a 'take home' container, which I'll have for lunch tomorrow.
But back to the new desktop machine my mum's just bought (The first computer she's ever bought outright, as the one she had was bits and pieces from my old machines I'd put together for her.) I have to say I just drooled. The bloke gave her a brilliant price for what she got - it's a beast with quad core processors a massive 4 gig of Ram etc.
I've just got home, and have helped my cousins and his partner with some problems with their computer over the phone. If it 'all turns to shit' they are both coming to my place tomorrow in the hope I can fix it (I should start charging for my services!) I'm happy to help when I can and besides both boys are great fun to hang out with.
Overall though I think I needed today, a day free of thinking about plot lines, story arc, character development. Tomorrow I have nothing planned, so I'll attempt for an early start and get the word count back on track.
I'm off to watch the Transformers DVD I bought today.
That's all I've got.
I just wasn't in the writing place. I did 'try' but I just fiddled with the words I'd already written. Then my afternoon was out. I had lunch with some friends, had a bit of a shop, purchased the new Transformers DVD from Big W (It was the lowest price!) and then went over to my mum's to help her with the new computer she just bought. She ordered it Tuesday, they had it built and ready for her to collect today. So I went over and helped her set it up when she got home. (This also consisted of dinner being cooked. Lasagne that was just superb! Plus I got a 'take home' container, which I'll have for lunch tomorrow.
But back to the new desktop machine my mum's just bought (The first computer she's ever bought outright, as the one she had was bits and pieces from my old machines I'd put together for her.) I have to say I just drooled. The bloke gave her a brilliant price for what she got - it's a beast with quad core processors a massive 4 gig of Ram etc.
I've just got home, and have helped my cousins and his partner with some problems with their computer over the phone. If it 'all turns to shit' they are both coming to my place tomorrow in the hope I can fix it (I should start charging for my services!) I'm happy to help when I can and besides both boys are great fun to hang out with.
Overall though I think I needed today, a day free of thinking about plot lines, story arc, character development. Tomorrow I have nothing planned, so I'll attempt for an early start and get the word count back on track.
I'm off to watch the Transformers DVD I bought today.
That's all I've got.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Day Five - Word count healthy
I'm onto Day five - I came in this morning 1,000 words short from yesterday and had to make up the 1,700 for the daily limit. So head down arse up I wrote.
I started at 8am, punched out 1,000 words by 9:06am Answered the door. Got a delivery - Robot Chicken Season one (I'm about to start watching that!) Then proceeded to do some stuff around the house, cleaned the bathroom, put on some washing etc.
Got back into it about 11am, wrote until 12pm another 420 words. Stopped had lunch, and then wrote in the afternoon. Word count for today in total 3,115 words.
6,000 + words in and I'm finally cracking out some conversation. I have a run on stuff I write, it's either super chatty or it's kinda silent. This piece has started off silent, and if it goes to plan, then it will have a 'regular' amount of conversation within it, but I don't want it to be the driving force.
By Day five I should have a word count total of 8,500 I'm over that by 1,350 words rounding off the day with 9,850 words. I'm really happy with that, it's flowing well, and I'm determined to see this through.
So to leave you with another snippet:
The pain wasn’t pleasant, especially as her ribs were still sore from yesterdays events. This attack made Zoey angry. She thought of the revenge she’d like to give James at that moment, a zap back with a S14 military grade power taser, would suit her fine.
That's all I've got.
I started at 8am, punched out 1,000 words by 9:06am Answered the door. Got a delivery - Robot Chicken Season one (I'm about to start watching that!) Then proceeded to do some stuff around the house, cleaned the bathroom, put on some washing etc.
Got back into it about 11am, wrote until 12pm another 420 words. Stopped had lunch, and then wrote in the afternoon. Word count for today in total 3,115 words.
6,000 + words in and I'm finally cracking out some conversation. I have a run on stuff I write, it's either super chatty or it's kinda silent. This piece has started off silent, and if it goes to plan, then it will have a 'regular' amount of conversation within it, but I don't want it to be the driving force.
By Day five I should have a word count total of 8,500 I'm over that by 1,350 words rounding off the day with 9,850 words. I'm really happy with that, it's flowing well, and I'm determined to see this through.
So to leave you with another snippet:
The pain wasn’t pleasant, especially as her ribs were still sore from yesterdays events. This attack made Zoey angry. She thought of the revenge she’d like to give James at that moment, a zap back with a S14 military grade power taser, would suit her fine.
That's all I've got.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Day four - Part one - This is for Scoman
Thanks to Scoman for his comment on my blogs (You are a champion) Actually thanks to everyone who comments - it makes me feel worthy of your time.
However this one goes out to the Scoman! Here is a 'snippet' from yesterdays effort - which is the lead in line for todays writing.
Whether the cells did cause pain, Zoey wasn’t prepared to test it out. It was more than her life was worth to open that particular door right now.
So as not to leave you up in the air too much! *lol* Zoey has just described a security holding device, which is part of the security check points between sections within the larger zone.
I'll post another 'snippet' for you later today.
That's all I've got. For the moment :)
*Late update* This will be the lead in line for tomorrow (day five) writing.
she closed her eyes, and attempted to shut off her brain to the day’s events in the hope to start a fresh tomorrow.
So that's officially 'All I've got'
However this one goes out to the Scoman! Here is a 'snippet' from yesterdays effort - which is the lead in line for todays writing.
Whether the cells did cause pain, Zoey wasn’t prepared to test it out. It was more than her life was worth to open that particular door right now.
So as not to leave you up in the air too much! *lol* Zoey has just described a security holding device, which is part of the security check points between sections within the larger zone.
I'll post another 'snippet' for you later today.
That's all I've got. For the moment :)
*Late update* This will be the lead in line for tomorrow (day five) writing.
she closed her eyes, and attempted to shut off her brain to the day’s events in the hope to start a fresh tomorrow.
So that's officially 'All I've got'
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Day Three – Quote of the day
I got an early start this morning. I was up about 7am, had breakfast, re-read over what I’d written (And failed to get written yesterday i.e my notes) and got stuck in early – got two loads of washing on the line, cleaned up, cooked lunch, did some writing, spent time with my mum – which included watching the Melbourne cup, and pretty much did what I could to escape from the heat. I managed to punch put 1,457 words for today. While it’s not the minimum of 1,700 words I’m currently sitting at a total word count of 4,799 words in three days which is 301 words short of the 5,100 by day three that I should be at to make it 50,000 words in 30 days.
The way I look at this is – if I force it – I’ll clamp up and will have no output.
I’ve got the main character, the story arc, who will be introduced, how, when etc their back story and how they are linked to the bigger picture – and finally one of two options for an ending. With my mum’s comment of ‘Please make sure you don’t kill off Zoey!'
For those who don’t know my main protagonist is a girl called Zoey.
Anyway tomorrow I have nothing on all day – I’m free to write when I feel the urge and I’ll undoubtedly punch out at least 2,000 words. Thus getting me ahead – if all goes well I’d love to write tomorrow evening with an update to say I’ve eclipsed 4,000 words! (That would be nice)
I’ve still got a mild headache from yesterdays on-slaught – but it’s nothing compared to what I was faced with yesterday, and I’m still a bit ‘off’ in the stomach – classic signs for me of a monster migraine – especially when I spew!
Highlight of today was "Quote of the day" from my mum. She came back here this afternoon, after her morning appointments to have lunch and watch the running of the Melbourne cup. In the wait for the cup to start, we had lunch, and she watched some of ‘The L Word’ with me. For those who don’t know the show. It follows the lives of various women who are all one large group of friends, but there is A LOT of girl on girl sex. This particular episode that my mum and I watched this afternoon seemed to have more than usual (That was probably only because I was watching it with my mum!) However the episode finished, and I said to my mum. ‘So what did you think?’
Her response was priceless. ‘Do you have that much sex! All those girls seemed to do was shag!’
I laughed my head off, and told her I only wished I had that much sex! So an insight for my mum into Lesbian-land ( The term Lesbian-land is a term of endearment used by my brother!) as portrayed on TV. Lesbians have a lot of sex. I’ll leave you all with that thought.
That’s all I’ve got.
The way I look at this is – if I force it – I’ll clamp up and will have no output.
I’ve got the main character, the story arc, who will be introduced, how, when etc their back story and how they are linked to the bigger picture – and finally one of two options for an ending. With my mum’s comment of ‘Please make sure you don’t kill off Zoey!'
For those who don’t know my main protagonist is a girl called Zoey.
Anyway tomorrow I have nothing on all day – I’m free to write when I feel the urge and I’ll undoubtedly punch out at least 2,000 words. Thus getting me ahead – if all goes well I’d love to write tomorrow evening with an update to say I’ve eclipsed 4,000 words! (That would be nice)
I’ve still got a mild headache from yesterdays on-slaught – but it’s nothing compared to what I was faced with yesterday, and I’m still a bit ‘off’ in the stomach – classic signs for me of a monster migraine – especially when I spew!
Highlight of today was "Quote of the day" from my mum. She came back here this afternoon, after her morning appointments to have lunch and watch the running of the Melbourne cup. In the wait for the cup to start, we had lunch, and she watched some of ‘The L Word’ with me. For those who don’t know the show. It follows the lives of various women who are all one large group of friends, but there is A LOT of girl on girl sex. This particular episode that my mum and I watched this afternoon seemed to have more than usual (That was probably only because I was watching it with my mum!) However the episode finished, and I said to my mum. ‘So what did you think?’
Her response was priceless. ‘Do you have that much sex! All those girls seemed to do was shag!’
I laughed my head off, and told her I only wished I had that much sex! So an insight for my mum into Lesbian-land ( The term Lesbian-land is a term of endearment used by my brother!) as portrayed on TV. Lesbians have a lot of sex. I’ll leave you all with that thought.
That’s all I’ve got.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Day Two - Just excuse me while I spew
Day two......
Off to a flying start - punched out 800 words in no time (I love fiction it's so much easier to write than assignment where you have to verify the facts!) Long story short... About 12pm I stopped for lunch, I'd not finished chewing the last mouthful of my sandwich (Ham and cheese if you're interested!) and I get the flashy lights and there's a disco happening in my right eye. For those in Australia who thought they could hear the shouting of the words Fucking fuck fuck FUCK about 12:50pm that was me! When I get a migraine I usually get signs of the tingles and then the flashes etc. This one today snuck up on me and flogged the shit out of me from behind! I'd lost all vision in my right eye in about ten minutes. So I drugged up and did the only thing I could do sleep.
About 45 mins into my dark room, floating drugged up feeling on my bed... this huge wave a nausea rolled over me and for one awful moment I though. That sandwich is about to become a Picasso like painting on the floor. I done the dash to the bathroom in time. My dog - bless him was all worried he knew something was up but just wasn't sure what.
Lemonade...... Lemonade is the champion beverage for any illness from migraines through to the flu! My personal preference is Kirks lemonade (Yes Kirks if you're reading feel free to send me from free stuff!) So I had a glass of Kirks lemonade, took more drugs, went back to bed, this time with a bucket and was out cold. like 'dead' cold as my mum came over and had to let herself in (she has keys) to find me sprawled out on top of my bed - fan on, bucket beside me, glass of lemonade near by. She physically had to 'shake' me to wake me up!
So today's word count is still sitting at 800. I've raised the total however all up to 3,326 as I wrote some more late last night. Working on the average of 1,700 words a day to get 50,000 words in 30 days I'm a bee's dick behind right now. However I'll make it up with out any dramas.
Right now though I'm going to go have some Vegemite on toast - the second best thing for illness.
That's all I've got.
Off to a flying start - punched out 800 words in no time (I love fiction it's so much easier to write than assignment where you have to verify the facts!) Long story short... About 12pm I stopped for lunch, I'd not finished chewing the last mouthful of my sandwich (Ham and cheese if you're interested!) and I get the flashy lights and there's a disco happening in my right eye. For those in Australia who thought they could hear the shouting of the words Fucking fuck fuck FUCK about 12:50pm that was me! When I get a migraine I usually get signs of the tingles and then the flashes etc. This one today snuck up on me and flogged the shit out of me from behind! I'd lost all vision in my right eye in about ten minutes. So I drugged up and did the only thing I could do sleep.
About 45 mins into my dark room, floating drugged up feeling on my bed... this huge wave a nausea rolled over me and for one awful moment I though. That sandwich is about to become a Picasso like painting on the floor. I done the dash to the bathroom in time. My dog - bless him was all worried he knew something was up but just wasn't sure what.
Lemonade...... Lemonade is the champion beverage for any illness from migraines through to the flu! My personal preference is Kirks lemonade (Yes Kirks if you're reading feel free to send me from free stuff!) So I had a glass of Kirks lemonade, took more drugs, went back to bed, this time with a bucket and was out cold. like 'dead' cold as my mum came over and had to let herself in (she has keys) to find me sprawled out on top of my bed - fan on, bucket beside me, glass of lemonade near by. She physically had to 'shake' me to wake me up!
So today's word count is still sitting at 800. I've raised the total however all up to 3,326 as I wrote some more late last night. Working on the average of 1,700 words a day to get 50,000 words in 30 days I'm a bee's dick behind right now. However I'll make it up with out any dramas.
Right now though I'm going to go have some Vegemite on toast - the second best thing for illness.
That's all I've got.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Day One - Slight hiccup - but improved
Day one
I’m off and writing! I got up about 8am, had breakfast, cup of tea etc and then sat down to ‘get started’ it flowed out of me quite quickly as I knew what angle I wanted to start with, and I’d done some homework etc. I stopped at 1,000 words for a mid morning break, in which my mum phoned to ask how it was all going. (I’d told her I’d be having a break about 11am) So we talked on the phone and she asked how it was going etc. I said "Would you like me to read you what I’ve got so far?" She replied "oh yes please". I explained it was rough and only 1,000 words, but she was encouraging and said “we’ll that’s 49,000 to go Sal.”
She then put me on speaker phone so that my Dad could listen also.
I read out the first 1,000 words of my story – my mum was ‘oh that’s quite good, I want to know what happens next’ (My mum is my best critic if it’s shit she will tell me!) so I was like – sweet I’m on a bit of a winner here if what I’ve written so far is enough to get people wanting more.
My dad however:
‘What’s the title?’
'I’ve not come up with one yet’
‘What do you mean oh – are you telling me you only read books by the title?’
‘Well they play a significant part yes’
‘Forget the title dad – what did you think? Did it draw you in to want to keep reading?’
'Mmm yeah I guess, not really my thing’
In my mind I’m thinking – how the fuck can you tell if it’s not your thing when it’s only just 1,000 words which is a page and a half! Most people give the book they read at least 10 pages before making judgement – I’ve just read a very rough 1,000 words and he’s already decided it’s not his thing!
Normally at this point I’d stand my ground and ask to him to validate his reasoning for his thoughts on the matter, but I though fucking why bother! It’s just a constant loop. This is a repeat of my life – nothing I do is ever ‘good enough’ it’s never ‘valid’ as I’m not my brother!
I remember when I used to work in computers and coming home for a weekend and my father couldn’t accept that I was a girl and I knew stuff about computers, it wasn’t until I pulled my uncles computer apart in front of him, fixed it, put it back together and made it go that he actually realised that I fucking kinda new what I was doing!
Anyway back to the phone conversation. I just thought fucking fuck it – so I was a little abrupt and said. “well I’d best get back to it, I’ll talk to you both later” and pretty much ended the phone call.
My mum has since phoned back! I’ve had a rant / unload and have told her I’m happy for her to read it, but not him! I don’t want him to read any of it!
In other news – I *was* really happy with my progress this morning, I’ve got chapter one kinda done (I’m not a big fan of super long chapters) and I can clearly see now where the character of Zoey will go next.
However right now I’m fucked off – so I’m going to go have a cup of tea, play with my dog and get ‘zen’ with the world once again.
I’ll update some more later.
Update: I ended the day on 2,196 words, which I'm happy about. I managed to get my 'zen' back. The highlight of my day was my brother calling and I got to talk on the phone to my 'almost four' (That's what he says when you ask him how old he is - "almost four") year old nephew. He seen an advert on TV for the new Astro Boy movie, and asked if I'd take him to see it on the big TV (The cinema) I told him I would if he came to visit me while it's still showing. They are due to visit in two weeks so I'll take him to the 'big TV' and see Astroboy. He just lights up my life. He told me how his little brother is starting to walk, but he fell over and so he was a good boy and helped him up, and he also 'showed' me his new shoes (I'm still laughing over that) He was 'hold on I'll get them for you to see - puts down the phone and comes back - "See them Sal they are red!" I was like "Yeah sweetheart they are lovely."
So with day one of NanoWriMo out of the way which started off shit, it's ended well.
That’s all I’ve got
I’m off and writing! I got up about 8am, had breakfast, cup of tea etc and then sat down to ‘get started’ it flowed out of me quite quickly as I knew what angle I wanted to start with, and I’d done some homework etc. I stopped at 1,000 words for a mid morning break, in which my mum phoned to ask how it was all going. (I’d told her I’d be having a break about 11am) So we talked on the phone and she asked how it was going etc. I said "Would you like me to read you what I’ve got so far?" She replied "oh yes please". I explained it was rough and only 1,000 words, but she was encouraging and said “we’ll that’s 49,000 to go Sal.”
She then put me on speaker phone so that my Dad could listen also.
I read out the first 1,000 words of my story – my mum was ‘oh that’s quite good, I want to know what happens next’ (My mum is my best critic if it’s shit she will tell me!) so I was like – sweet I’m on a bit of a winner here if what I’ve written so far is enough to get people wanting more.
My dad however:
‘What’s the title?’
'I’ve not come up with one yet’
‘What do you mean oh – are you telling me you only read books by the title?’
‘Well they play a significant part yes’
‘Forget the title dad – what did you think? Did it draw you in to want to keep reading?’
'Mmm yeah I guess, not really my thing’
In my mind I’m thinking – how the fuck can you tell if it’s not your thing when it’s only just 1,000 words which is a page and a half! Most people give the book they read at least 10 pages before making judgement – I’ve just read a very rough 1,000 words and he’s already decided it’s not his thing!
Normally at this point I’d stand my ground and ask to him to validate his reasoning for his thoughts on the matter, but I though fucking why bother! It’s just a constant loop. This is a repeat of my life – nothing I do is ever ‘good enough’ it’s never ‘valid’ as I’m not my brother!
I remember when I used to work in computers and coming home for a weekend and my father couldn’t accept that I was a girl and I knew stuff about computers, it wasn’t until I pulled my uncles computer apart in front of him, fixed it, put it back together and made it go that he actually realised that I fucking kinda new what I was doing!
Anyway back to the phone conversation. I just thought fucking fuck it – so I was a little abrupt and said. “well I’d best get back to it, I’ll talk to you both later” and pretty much ended the phone call.
My mum has since phoned back! I’ve had a rant / unload and have told her I’m happy for her to read it, but not him! I don’t want him to read any of it!
In other news – I *was* really happy with my progress this morning, I’ve got chapter one kinda done (I’m not a big fan of super long chapters) and I can clearly see now where the character of Zoey will go next.
However right now I’m fucked off – so I’m going to go have a cup of tea, play with my dog and get ‘zen’ with the world once again.
I’ll update some more later.
Update: I ended the day on 2,196 words, which I'm happy about. I managed to get my 'zen' back. The highlight of my day was my brother calling and I got to talk on the phone to my 'almost four' (That's what he says when you ask him how old he is - "almost four") year old nephew. He seen an advert on TV for the new Astro Boy movie, and asked if I'd take him to see it on the big TV (The cinema) I told him I would if he came to visit me while it's still showing. They are due to visit in two weeks so I'll take him to the 'big TV' and see Astroboy. He just lights up my life. He told me how his little brother is starting to walk, but he fell over and so he was a good boy and helped him up, and he also 'showed' me his new shoes (I'm still laughing over that) He was 'hold on I'll get them for you to see - puts down the phone and comes back - "See them Sal they are red!" I was like "Yeah sweetheart they are lovely."
So with day one of NanoWriMo out of the way which started off shit, it's ended well.
That’s all I’ve got
I'm writing this from my bed on my Ipod touch. It's 1:29 am and it's just dawned on me that today (later on) I will start writing the first words of a novel. How awesome is that! It may never see the light of day. But at least I'll be able to say I tried. Will now try and post this and get some sleep.
That's all I've got
That's all I've got
Saturday, October 31, 2009
October 31
Most people on this planet know that the 31st of October is Halloween – Whilst it’s not really noted in Australia – I was quite interested to read about it online as to it’s origins etc and that it’s the 2nd largest holiday celebrated in the world. (I assume Christmas is the first!)
A bit of research today uncovered the following (I’m lazy so I’ve just copied and pasted the info!)
The history of Halloween goes back 2000 years. Many believe that Halloween’s origins are found in the Celtic festival of Samhain. The Celts, who were located in Ireland, the UK and the northern parts of France, celebrated their New Year on the first of November. Samhain was celebrated the night before the New Year.
The New Year, Celts believed, marked summer’s end, harvest time, and the start of dark, cold winter months. Those winter months were associated with death by these people. On October 31, the night before the New Year, the Celts celebrated Samhain. This day, they believed, was when the ghosts of the deceased returned to earth because the boundaries between the living world and the dead world blurred. Found on http://ezinearticles.com/
For me though the 31st of October has other meanings other than the American holiday of Halloween.
When I was young my Nan’s sister (My great aunt) died on the 31st of October. She had come over from South Australia to celebrate my Nan’s birthday for that year (From memory I think it was her 70th) I was only quite young. But I loved this particular Aunt as she was just so much fun, she was light hearted, loved to laugh and was never cross. The evening before they left to go back to SA (The 30th of October) I remember not wanting to go into her room to say goodbye. My nan asked me why? I told her it was because I was afraid if I said goodbye I’d never see her again. I consequently didn’t say goodbye to her. She was killed in a car accident the next day. (I know freaky shit – I’ve got a list of that kinda stuff happening to me!)
The other meaning that the 31st of October has for me is the day I finally said enough is enough and walked away from a three year tumultuous relationship. I’d been treated like shit for the very last time, so I packed my stuff and left her house and never returned again. That was in 2003. I’ve not seen her since and to be honest it took a long time to get over that relationship (I lived with her so it was quite serious!) But I always remember the date, as she was American and her parents had sent her out Halloween ‘candy’ so she could have a sense of home.
Today though the 31st of October 2009 I’m older, wise and in a better place. I’ve got new things to add to the list of things that happened on the 31st of October, such as a friend’s that I’ve just recently made Helen – It’s her birthday today. Happy birthday Helen.
It’s also the eve of November and my first attempt at NanoWriMo. Which brings me to the next 30 days of November. NanoWriMo is a competition to write 50,000 words in 30 days. You can’t start writing until the 1st of November and you have to stop on the 30th. 50,000 words is a shit load considering the most I’ve written for an assignment thus far at Uni is 6,000. With creative writing though the words just flow out, and the word count (for me) is never in the forefront of my thoughts. That section is reserved for my main protagonist going on whatever journey I chose to write for them. This fiction piece I’m writing will have a female protagonist. Her name is Zoey and she is going to be kick arse!
I plan to try and write a daily blog in November just as a record of how I managed to get 50,000 words out of my mind and onto a page. So when this blur of November is over I can look back and recall just how I felt, but most importantly how I managed to put all the pieces together. Some days will be short and sweet, others might be long and winded such as this post. But overall I hope YOU my readers enjoy the journey, and I’ll keep you updated on just how Zoe fares in my future sci-fi world.
To my readers who take part in Halloween – I hope you enjoy yourselves – to everyone else thanks for reading.
That’s all I’ve got.
*Nb Word count is: 788 words
A bit of research today uncovered the following (I’m lazy so I’ve just copied and pasted the info!)
The history of Halloween goes back 2000 years. Many believe that Halloween’s origins are found in the Celtic festival of Samhain. The Celts, who were located in Ireland, the UK and the northern parts of France, celebrated their New Year on the first of November. Samhain was celebrated the night before the New Year.
The New Year, Celts believed, marked summer’s end, harvest time, and the start of dark, cold winter months. Those winter months were associated with death by these people. On October 31, the night before the New Year, the Celts celebrated Samhain. This day, they believed, was when the ghosts of the deceased returned to earth because the boundaries between the living world and the dead world blurred. Found on http://ezinearticles.com/
For me though the 31st of October has other meanings other than the American holiday of Halloween.
When I was young my Nan’s sister (My great aunt) died on the 31st of October. She had come over from South Australia to celebrate my Nan’s birthday for that year (From memory I think it was her 70th) I was only quite young. But I loved this particular Aunt as she was just so much fun, she was light hearted, loved to laugh and was never cross. The evening before they left to go back to SA (The 30th of October) I remember not wanting to go into her room to say goodbye. My nan asked me why? I told her it was because I was afraid if I said goodbye I’d never see her again. I consequently didn’t say goodbye to her. She was killed in a car accident the next day. (I know freaky shit – I’ve got a list of that kinda stuff happening to me!)
The other meaning that the 31st of October has for me is the day I finally said enough is enough and walked away from a three year tumultuous relationship. I’d been treated like shit for the very last time, so I packed my stuff and left her house and never returned again. That was in 2003. I’ve not seen her since and to be honest it took a long time to get over that relationship (I lived with her so it was quite serious!) But I always remember the date, as she was American and her parents had sent her out Halloween ‘candy’ so she could have a sense of home.
Today though the 31st of October 2009 I’m older, wise and in a better place. I’ve got new things to add to the list of things that happened on the 31st of October, such as a friend’s that I’ve just recently made Helen – It’s her birthday today. Happy birthday Helen.
It’s also the eve of November and my first attempt at NanoWriMo. Which brings me to the next 30 days of November. NanoWriMo is a competition to write 50,000 words in 30 days. You can’t start writing until the 1st of November and you have to stop on the 30th. 50,000 words is a shit load considering the most I’ve written for an assignment thus far at Uni is 6,000. With creative writing though the words just flow out, and the word count (for me) is never in the forefront of my thoughts. That section is reserved for my main protagonist going on whatever journey I chose to write for them. This fiction piece I’m writing will have a female protagonist. Her name is Zoey and she is going to be kick arse!
I plan to try and write a daily blog in November just as a record of how I managed to get 50,000 words out of my mind and onto a page. So when this blur of November is over I can look back and recall just how I felt, but most importantly how I managed to put all the pieces together. Some days will be short and sweet, others might be long and winded such as this post. But overall I hope YOU my readers enjoy the journey, and I’ll keep you updated on just how Zoe fares in my future sci-fi world.
To my readers who take part in Halloween – I hope you enjoy yourselves – to everyone else thanks for reading.
That’s all I’ve got.
*Nb Word count is: 788 words
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