Thursday, April 2, 2009

Blog a day April

Seems there's a new thing going down out there in cyberspace its a challenge to write a blog everyday in April. I only just found out about it, so I'm one day late... Can I have a get out of free card - due to not finding out about it until literally 3 minutes ago when a fried sent me the following e-mail about it.

*Copies and pastes e-mail from friend*

Hey Sal,
Are you going to try for the entry a day in April for blog entries - it's either a written blog or a vlog on youtube. I was going to e-mail you about it last week but forgot so I'm e-mailing you now. I'm a day late telling you about it. I only remembered when Kate e-mailed me! But it's better than me e-mailing you about trying to do a blog everyday starting on like the 10th of April!


So as they say in Australia... I'll have a crack!

Watch this space - as I try to put in a daily appearance during the month of April...

That's all I've got

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