The 9am rush for online timetable selection was this morning. As expected the Uni server crashed from the load it was put under at 9am on the dot. Twenty minutes later it was back up and working. I'd worked out a 'suitable' timetable to complement my work hours.... Or so I thought.
Seems that Monday to Friday scenario is out the window. The only available days for the courses I'm enrolled in are Wednesday and Thursdays. Thats it. However on the 'pre' timetable options. Monday - Friday were listed. This isn't good as two of the classes don't finish until 5pm. I start work at 4pm.
There are other class times that finish before 4pm. But they are 'reserved' whatever that means!
I've e-mailed the head of department re my work schedule and the dodgy timetable for the writing majors. I'm awaiting a response.
The only other option should Uni NOT budge (I'll work on that scenario!) is sweet talking a change of work hours.
That's all I've got
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