Saturday, March 20, 2010

Uni cock up and my mum's random comments :)

For fuck sake! Could you sort your shit out? First we’re given an assessment in which we can write any genre we like (limited to 2,000 words) THEN it is changed to include a ‘write back’ scenario. (I think I’ve explained what write back is, but for those who missed it. You take a book you like, take a section of that book, and write back to it. If that makes no sense to you then I suggest you Google ‘Wide Sargasso Sea’ that will explain it all!)

ANYWAY.. I’ve been plugging along with both my original piece and the ‘write back’ (I’m writing back to David Moody’s Hater.)

Yesterday we get told that there’s ‘too much confusion’ regarding the assignments and EVERYONE now has to just do the ‘write back.’ So fuck everyone who’s worked on both pieces as there’s only going to be one marked! FOR FUCK SAKE!

While this is only worth 20% of the mark. (which is fuck all really!) I’ll plug on and complete the assignment. But I’m going to sit back and watch the fireworks erupt from others in the class (there are about five who fucking argue, bitch and moan about everything! This includes them bitching about having two creative pieces added instead of one – and now they have dropped it back to one. I bet you $10.00 THOSE five will be the ones who fucking bitch about it again next week!)

Anyway. I had been writing a piece in which my main protagonist was called Scott in honour of the lovely ‘Scoman’ this piece has been put on hold for the moment. I will however either a) finish it off at a later stage (maybe Nanowrimo) or b) re-work it and make Scott a serial killer which I know Sco would be delighted about.

I can’t post anything from the assignment until I’ve handed it in. But once I have I’ll be sure to upload it here so those of you’re interested in it, will be able to have a look.

Onto my mum :)

Quote of the day (well it was two days ago actually) goes to my mum. An advert for ‘so you think you can dance Australia’ came on the TV and she just goes – that’s not Australian! If it was Australian it would be called "So can you fucking dance or what?" (She generally doesn't swear but that particular advert along with about three others piss her right off!) Anyway I laughed for ages over that. I hope I’m that funny when I’m her age, as she manages to crack me up at least once a week bless her.

That’s all I’ve got.

** Did I mention how my mum phoned me the other day and went "Rawwrrr - did I scare ya?' down the phone to me - Still making me laugh as I write this. My mum is awesome :)


Kellyansapansa said...

Your Mum sounds hilarious! Maybe you could get her to write a guest blog post :o)

ScoMan said...

Love your mum's name for the show haha. I can't repeat it of course, because I don't swear. Swearing is for people with fuck all vocabulary.

I hate when they change the rules as they go at Uni, especially when you've already worked hard on it.