Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Noticeable absence

Dear Readers:

I have been somewhat absent with the blog entries of late, which I apologise for. I've been up to my neck in Uni work, which is all coming to an end a little too quickly with far too high a work load. But I WILL be back to my regular schedule of bitching about people who can't indicate on roundabouts, through to rude people in the line at the post office and of course other shit that I chose to just moan about... So I'll be back to normal in no time. 21st of May readers... Final day of semester and a 3,500 word essay....

Sal :)

Double post I know - my bad but it kinda seemed odd to pin this onto the end of the Jess amazing talent post... Meh deal with it ;P


Kimberly said...

I don't mind a double post! I've missed you!! lol besides, everybody does it every now and again. Sort of like when you find you've already done your business in the morning, to find out later in the day, you gotta do it again...:)

Love the new look too btw. Got me a new outfit at my place as well. (again)

Also, started a new writing blog, just for my writings, you'll find the link over at my place!

ScoMan said...

Best of luck with your Uni stuff. Only 10 days? Wow.

I'm counting down til you start posting regularly again.